Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ahh, That's What Relaxation Feels Like

Yesterday was the first "vacation" I have taken in a long time.  It wasn't really a vacation, just a day of relaxation and being carefree. Something that hasn't happened in years for me.

One of the things that Dena, the boys, and I used to love doing was going to the Air and Water show in Chicago.  We would make an entire day of it; leaving in the morning, pushing the boys in running cart, packing lunch, and enjoying the awesomeness and power of the aircraft and watercraft being displayed.

So, yesterday Dena and I relived some old memories and went to the show.   We left when we wanted to, we were in no big rush to get to the show, we stopped along the route to get Dena's Dunkin Donuts tea with cream and sugar, and simply enjoyed the stroll to the Lake.  The weather was a perfect 72 degrees with no humidity and a gentle breeze, the architecture always inspires me, the people were friendly (Yes, I see friendly people in Chicago every time I go), and the fact that I felt so "in the moment" was just what I needed to relax and feel renewed.

After an incredible show, Dena and I strolled back towards our parking garage (a 10+ mile roundtrip stroll by the way) and stopped at Pizano's Pizza for a wonderful meal.  Sitting outside on the sidewalk was also very enjoyable.  I love the city, I love watching the people, and I loved spending time with my wife.

So, now I think I am ready to plan our next adventures.  Maybe we could go to Starved Rock, Peoria to visit my parents and granddad, Door County, Mackinac Island, Galena??? Who knows where we will be going next.

But after my experience yesterday, I am ready to experience more days like that.  As I said before, I think I am going to like the "Fall" season of my life.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Life in 360

My life feels like it has come a full 360 degrees.  Twenty-six years ago last week, I married my bride and we experienced five years together before having our two boys.  And now, this past weekend, we took our youngest to college some 11 hours away.  Bittersweet is a very appropriate and fitting way to describe my feelings right now.  I'll admit that I am looking forward to having time to do things I want to do.  I might take up a new hobby, I think I will get back in shape and lose a good 85-90 pounds, and meal time will be a lot less hectic with just my wife and me to look after.

But already things have changed in a way that I know will never be the same again.  When we came home last night, the house was quiet and my youngest son's room seemed eerily empty.  No laughter, or questions, or things to figure out.  His room now is simply a holding places of memories of raising him for the past 18 years.  As I looked at the medals and trophies, I knew the days of weekly track meets are gone forever and will be traded for distant phone calls from various states reporting on how he did.  Pictures have been left behind of memories that were special to him.  Memorabilia of things that impacted his life now sit on shelves, only to be re-visited with occasional trips home for breaks and holidays.

On the other hand, the boys are doing what they are supposed to be doing.  They are becoming men and figuring out how to carve out of life for themselves and for their future families.  As for me, I am going back to a life (for the most part) with how things started out 26 years ago, just Dena and me.

And I am pretty sure all of us will be just fine.