Sunday, October 23, 2011

Are You a Cabbage?

In 2005, the movie The World's Fastest Indian came out.  I really enjoyed the movie but it did not reach critical acclaim at the box office.  The movie was based on a true story about a man from New Zeland named Burt Munro.  Burt had a dream of setting land speed records on a motorcyle, but didn't have the means to pursue his dreams in a normal, conventional way.  But on August 26, 1967, Munro set a land speed record for under 1000 cc bikes that still stands today.  He was 68 years old and was riding a 47 year-old motorcycle that he had modified for over 20 years when he set the record.

Dreams, and why we pursue them, are as varied as the people who dream them.  I wrote about passion the other day and I believe it is one of the key "ingredients" necessary to pursue them long term and when the odds seem impossible to overcome.

I believe dreams are a necessary part of our lives.  Through our dreams, we are able to keep hope alive and to believe that we can make a difference.  Big or small, long-term or short, personal or business, we all have dreams.

But as varied as our dreams are, I am sure of one thing about dreams.  If we do not wake up and take action, none of your dreams will come true.

If your not pursuing your dreams, Burt Munro thinks you are a cabbage.  The explanation is below in the video.  Enjoy one of my favorite scenes from the movie The Worlds Fastest Indian.

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