Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Prayer

Dear Lord,
I want to know You and chase after You with everything that is in me, but I am a coward and my heart fears to give up it's toys and idols. I cannot part with them without what seems like a terrible inward bleeding, and I will not try to hide from You the terror of me giving up all of those things.  I come trembling and scared... but I come.  Please tear out from my heart all those things which I have cherished so long and which have become the very part of my being, so that You can enter and dwell in my heart without any distractions or compromise or rivals.  Then, my heart will have no need of anything else.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you. That prayer was transparent and real. It takes courage to admit fear and pursue Him. Know that I have prayed for you today... I want to believe with you that God is going to open up the perfect opportunity for you. However, I have this feeling that it is not going to look like you thought it would. But, God is going to be the gentleman that He is and open up a great door for you.
On a lighter side... let's do breakfast/lunch this week. I just finished The Mentor Leader by Tony Dungy and think you would enjoy it.

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