Thursday, June 23, 2011

Take Notes Obama!!

I have a policy with my staff that they are not allowed to complain unless they also have a solution in mind or a plan of action to address their concern.  It has been brought to my attention lately that I have been doing a lot of complaining about the current administration and I have been asked what I would do if I were in Obama's shoes.  I'm glad you asked!

My proposals on the campaign trail would be as follows:
  1. I would eliminate progressive income tax and replace it with a flat income tax in which all of the citizens (or residents) of the country would be required to pay the tax so that they have skin in the game.   I would also eliminate all corporate income tax.  Corporate income tax is nothing more than double taxation and penalizes wealth and job creation.  (Here's a short economics lesson.  You want as many billionaires in the US as possible.  Billionaires create millionaires.  Millionaires create "Hundred-thousandaires".  "Hundred-thousandaires" create "Thousandaires".  Thousandaires sometimes give to charity.  Poor people create nothing and take charity)
  2. Secure the borders and end multiculturalism and diversity in all public institutions which only encourages poverty, animosity, and ethnic division.  Promote English as the official national language.  Promote citizenship.  Promote allegiance to American culture.
  3. Eliminate tenure for schoolteachers and college professors.  Make them accountable for the quality of education and instruction they provide for students.  This would reap benefits exponentially both short and long term.
  4. Limit federal spending to less than 20% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
  5. Contain, limit, and reform all entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare.  These programs are going bankrupt and are $50 TRILLION in debt, which will have to be paid by my children and their children.  Obamacare will add to that staggering number.
  6. Ensure all foreign policy decisions are made for the purpose of preserving and improving American society.
  7. DEMAND that all public servants, elected or appointed, at all times uphold the Constitution and JUSTIFY their public acts under the Constitution.
  8. Limit the Supreme Court's judicial review power by establishing a legislative veto over Court decisions by a two-thirds supermajority vote of both houses of Congress and eliminate lifetime tenure for federal judges.
  9. Eliminate Unions for federal government employees.  The purpose of federal unions is to empower themselves and promote statism.
  10. Reduce the civilian federal workforce by a minimum of 20%. 
The late, great President Ronald Reagan said, " Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

Amen Ronnie!  It's time to get busy!


Anonymous said...

1) By eliminating all corporate income taxes (not sure I agree here but okay) we also eliminate all deductions or handouts to favored industries/companies (sorry GE!)

11) All those on welfare of any kind will be subjected to random drug tests, one strike and you are out.


CJ said...

100% agree!! Good feedback and additions Rick.

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