Saturday, July 30, 2011

"It was something I experimented with in college"

I grew up in a very conservative, strict, Christian household. We attended church every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesdays, along with special services.  I never heard a swear word spoken in our house, and I know liquor or cigarettes were never used by my parents.  I applaud my parents.  They were great examples of living a clean, honorable lifestyle. And they provided a baseline to come back to through the years.

But when I went to college, I had a new found freedom and I strayed from the strictness that I was raised with.  I believe most 18-year olds do "test the waters" of freedom to some degree when they leave home.  But, I want to be very, very clear.  I have never used drugs and I have never had gay sex.  NEVER!

But that is not the situation with our president. 

We all know that he did drugs in college.  I applaud his honesty.  It is better than claiming that he didn't inhale.  But, speaking to the press after a LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, and Transgender) fundraiser this week, Obama clarified his position on gay marriage.  "Gay rights was something that I experimented with in college...but it was just a phase.  We all go through phases like that, like my goth phase before that," he told fundraiser attendees.  He went on to say that he simply wanted to try out all forms of civil rights stances.  "After all, that's what college is for, right?" as he nervously clutched his wedding ring.

Obama had one final word to the press, "I support the state's rights to decide on this matter, and agree with laws legalizing marriage..."  Realizing that he had just stuck his foot in his mouth again, he said, "Did I mention how much I love football?"  (If I was gay I was be furious over his implied stereotype with this statement)

Wow!  My head is spinning as I read this but I think I just had a revelation.  Obama is not only our first half-black president, he is our first goth, bi-sexual president.  And I think I am starting to understand a few other things.  First, I am starting to understand why he has not released his college transcripts or health records, as every other modern-day president has done.  We may learn even more secrets that have been hidden from the public.  And secondly, with his curious attraction to and experimentation with men, I am starting to understand why he must have felt an attraction to Michelle.

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