I have recently read an interesting article about the liberal's view of socialism and saw an entertaining, but misinformed bumper sticker, that read, "It's Patriotic to pay Taxes". I will address the article first and then the bumper sticker.
The article, "Explaining Socialism to a Republican" had an "Oh you silly little person, don't you know we are already living in socialism and it's good" overtone. The new term being used for this "enlightened" new form of government is Democratic Socialism.
The article explained, "Democratic Socialism consists of a democratic form of government with a mix of socialism and capitalism. I proceeded to explain to her the actual meaning terms “democracy” and “socialism”.
Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens take part. It is government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Socialism is where we all put our resources together and work for the common good of us all and not just for our own benefit. In this sense, we are sharing the wealth within society.
To a Democratic Socialist, sharing the wealth means pooling tax money together to design social programs that benefit ALL citizens of that country, city, state, etc.
The fire and police departments are both excellent examples of Democratic Socialism in America. Rather than leaving each individual responsible for protecting their own home from fire, everyone pools their money together, through taxes, to maintain a fire and police department. It’s operated under a non-profit status, and yes, your tax dollars pay for putting out other people’s fires. It would almost seem absurd to think of some corporation profiting from putting out fires. But it’s more efficient and far less expensive to have government run fire departments funded by tax dollars."
I agree. We need police and firefighters and public education. But this is where the feeble little minds of the liberal Democrats, now known as Democratic Socialists, have manipulated and twisted something good to push for more and more of something that ultimately destroys. Democratic Socialism is like FOOD. With small, healthy portions, food is good and life-sustaining. But once you start to stuff your face with Twinkies meal after meal after meal, and don't control your intake, you end up having a rear end that is three feet wide, diabetes, cancer, and ultimately, end up killing yourself slowly but surely. Too much of anything is not a good thing. The same is true of government control and spending.
Here are the facts. We live in an America where 47% of wage-earning households pay no federal income taxes. Yet, the top 1% of wage earners in America pay 40%, the top 5% of wage earners pay nearly 60%, and the top 25% of wage earners pay 94% of the federal taxes in America.
The top 25% of American taxpayers could pay 100% of their income and it would not be enough to bring about the socialist eutopia that is often sought after by such wonderful, do-gooders that would take more and more of your money without a clear understanding of the end game.
So my question to that driver is with the bumper sticker is this...who are the patriots?
I find it unconscionable that the POTUS is now going to name a tax policy after Warren Buffett. Mr. Buffett has done nothing more than game the system and is using his capital gains as a basis for his personal taxation. He unfairly compares that to the personal income tax rate of one of his secretaries.
What if we were to simplify the personal income tax code to a broad-based flat tax of 15% with deductions for child tax credit and mortgage interest tax deduction? We can maintain the current rate of capital gains, or even lower the rate to 10%. Then we can zero out dividends tax and estate taxes, forever.
Why don't we ever hear about the president's friends like Mr. Immelt, the CEO of GE. Mr. Immelt got away with GE not paying any corporate taxes while making a huge profit. Oh, I forgot. Immelt is an Obama Czar. Here's another idea for the Democratic Socialists; lower the 35% federal corporate tax rate to 21% and eliminate those loopholes and subsidies, which obviously Mr. Immelt’s tax staff is very adept at using.
Then we woudn't have to raise the taxes of the average "Joe" like you and me.
In a blog by "Red County", the author stated, "Ok, pay attention liberal (Democratic Socialists); raising taxes at a time of a fragile economic period is not going to raise revenues. It is counter-productive. Furthermore, if you want to rehabilitate a drug addict, you do not give them more drugs. So if we want to reform the federal government, let us not give it more taxpayer revenue. Unfortunately, the facts do not support this President or his failed policy proposals... but then again facts, and truth, are just unnecessary obstacles for liberal progressives."
So when the president said, "It's not class warfare, it's math", he was not telling the truth. It's all about class warfare and making people, like my Facebook friends, believe that it is a good thing to tax the rich more so that we can all take care of each other. But, unfortunately, it simply doesn't work to keep taxing the workers to redistribute wealth to the non-workers.
I wonder if the President is including the entertainment and sport elites, his friends who attend big concerts and posh dinners and travel around with Michelle, and the folks at Martha's Vineyard, when he talks about the billionaires and millionaires or if it is just the hard-working job creators that he doesn't like?
Yes, those of you that "get it" realize that was a rhetorical question.
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