Thursday, September 29, 2011

Troy Davis and Youcef Nafarkhani

I just checked my Google+ account, my twitter page, and Facebook.  Not one single person that ranted and raved over the injustice of the execution of Troy Davis has uttered a whisper about Youcef Nafarkhani. 

Troy Davis spent 22 years on death row for the 1989 murder of Mark MacPhail, a Savannah, Ga., police officer who was shot dead when he attempted to help a homeless man who was being attacked. Davis, as you most likely know, was exeuted by way of lethal injection on Wednesday night, September 21, 2011 at 11:08 p.m. in Butts County, Ga., despite a last-minute plea to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Youcef Nadarkhani, a Christian pastor in Iran, faces the death penalty if he refuses to convert to Islam. Pastor Nadarkhani has been convicted of "apostasy," the crime of abandoning a religious faith. Despite the fact that he was never anything other than a Christian, Iranian clerics have determined that since his ancestors practiced Islam he is still considered guilty.  An appeal trial actually determined that Nadarkhani was not an apostate, however, Iran's Supreme Court continued to uphold the original decision from the Provincial Court. Apostasy isn't against the law according the Iran's penal code, however, it is punishable under religious texts and Ayatollah Khomeini's fatwas.

I do believe in the death penalty, but only in cases in which there is absolutely no question about a person's guilty conviction.  I don't know how I feel about Troy Davis.  He maintained his innocence throughout the 22 years that he spent in prison.  And I do acknowledge that Troy Davis may have had the odds stacked against him as a black man in the 1980's in Georgia. 

But I am crystal clear regarding Youcef Nafarkhani, who is being sentenced to death because his ancestors were Muslims and he is a Christian.  That, and the fact the he is unwilling to renounce his faith, are his only crimes.  And his "crime" is not even legally considered a crime in Iran.  This man has the odds stacked against him as a Christian in a Muslim world.

Yet the people who ranted and raved for Troy Davis, the people that bashed christians as hypocritical for supporting the death of Davis while opposing abortion, the people that spewed hatred and filth towards people that didn't support Davis, all have not whispered one tiny syllable of support for Nafarkhani.  Human rights groups, individuals against the death penalty, and "peace-loving Muslims" have, for the most part, turned their eyes and ears away from this man. And their mouths have gone silent.

The reactions, or lack thereof, toward the Nafarkhani case from the people who ranted and raved about Troy Davis are ironic and predictable.  One can hardly argue that their lack of support is certainly not consistent.

But most of all, the silence of the Troy Davis supporters regarding the Youcef Nafarkhani trial and possible execution is deafening; deafening in so many ways and on so many different levels.

Good vs. Evil and Prayer

I just read a "tweet" from Chris Johnson, the Tennessee Titans star running back that just signed the highest paid contract in the history of the NFL for running backs.  He "tweeted", "I like thx everyone who prayed for (John Doe).  he beat it was not found guilty. Pray works all the time".  I don't know CJ and I don't have a bone to pick with him (except for his grammar).  However, his remarks like many other's, show that his thinking, while so culturally accepted today, is so completely wrong.  Let me explain.

Chris Johnson prayed that his friend would not be found guilty and sent to prison.  His friend obviously was not.  Great. So I wonder if Chris Johnson should have prayed to gain more than 6 yards yesterday?  If God answers CJ's prayers just like CJ wants, why stop with his prayer for his friend?

And what about why bad things happen to good people?  Surely a quick prayer could stop lots of pain, both physical and emotional.  You know the "age-old" argument, right?  If God is so kind and loving, why would he allow things like rape and murder and getting stuck in traffic happen to good people, especially when we could just say a quick prayer and skip all the bad stuff?

Well, I don't pretend to know the answer to that question.  Most people just say that it is God's plan and something good will come of it.  But personally, I don't buy it.  I have seen good people not recover from a botched surgery and die.  I have seen people and businesses so devastated with a seemlingly endless "string of bad luck" that they are never able to recover.  I had a brother pass away at a very young age.  Why did that happen? 

I don't have an answer to the question about good vs. bad and why prayer doesn't seemingly work all the time.  I think our views of good and bad are so incredibly limited that we could not even begin to figure out what is going on here.  And the 'Santa" image of God has to go also.  I guarantee you that sooner or later CJ, and many others, will be disillusioned with God because their prayers are not answered the way they think they should be answered.  (LIFE OVER GOD in the book With would explain this idea in much more detail and much better than I am able)

Asking the question about good vs. evil and using prayer to get the things we want is our way of trying to control God.  And I am more than certain that trying to control God won't work.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Republicans Got it Wrong

I have watched a couple of Republican debates now and I have been impressed with Herman Cain lately.  After watching the last debate, when I retired to bed my wife asked me who I liked.  My response was that I liked a guy that was not garnering any attention so far.  And then the Florida straw poll showed Herman Cain as a big winner and the last Zogby poll showed that he has a strong national lead.  I know it is early in the process, so I will wait to throw my hat completely in his ring.  I would encourage you to check out his website at however. 

But I was extremely disappointed in Herman Cain and every one of the candidates when they could have shown great leadership and did not in the last three debates.  Let me explain.

First, the crowd cheered in the September's debate at the Reagan Library when Brian Williams prefaced a question to Rick Perry by noting that under his leadership Texas "executed 234 death row inmates, more than any other governor in modern times". Before Williams could finish his question, the crowd erupted into cheers.  That is wrong.  That is stupid.  And quite frankly, it is unacceptable.  Personally, I think there is a time and place that the death penalty is appropriate.  But to cheer and celebrate the death of 234 souls is wrong.  It was a turn-off to me so I can only imagine what those individuals on the fence thought.

 The next incident happened in September's Tea Party debate in Tampa.  Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul about a comatose patient with no insurance. Blitzer asked if we should allow a patient to die if he couldn't pay for his own care.  Before Paul could answer, several audience members shouted out "Yeah!"  I try to imagine if the patient was related to me and how I would react.  I would not cheer and shout a hardy "yeah" if it was a loved one that was facing that situation.  I know that Obamacare is an absolute abomination to our country and to our constitution, however, I can not believe that those in the Tea Party would cheer when the most vulnerable amongst us are facing death.

The third and final shameful act happened in the most recent FOX News/Google debate in Orlando.  A gay soldier asked Santorum if he would "circumvent the progress that's been made for gay and lesbian soldiers in the military".  Before Santorum could answer, several audience members loudly booed the gay soldier who asked the question.  I don't agree with the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".  I don't approve of asking heterosexuals about their sexual preference either.  I understand this issue has been forced upon the politicians by the gay/lesbian advocates. But for the crowd to respond that way to a serviceman that is giving his life to protect our freedoms is ridiculous.  I don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle, but I am grateful for this gay serviceman's duty to country and the two issues should be seperate.  I find it ironic that some of those in the crowd shouting were fat slobs and one of the deadly sins listed in the Old Testament is gluttony.

Not one person at the debate, not the moderators, no one in the audience, and not one candidate applauded or thanked the soldier for his service to our nation. No one ever said that booing the soldier was inappropriate and offensive. They should have.  It's called leadership.

I have blogged about the distasteful actions of the Black Caucus.  I have posted my opinion regarding the violent actions of the union thugs and their followers in Madison, Wisconsin.  I have watched Tea Party "crashers" hold up vile and offensive signs and use abusive, offensive language to shout down supporters of conservatives.  I have looked at "lib prog" blogs that contain hate speech throughout their posts.  I have seen conservatives like Michelle Malkin have racial insults and filth hurled at her from Hollyweirdos like Alec Baldwin on twitter.

And obviously, the conservatives have some cavemen on their side too.  Don't get me wrong, conservatives win the battle all day long on the issues such as healthcare, tax reform, Medicare, unemploment, home foreclosures, immigration and illegal aliens, the environment, welfare, the free market, etc., etc., etc.

But when the caveman "crazies" show up at the debates, someone needs to be a leader and take a stand.  Believe me, it will guarantee that person a positive bump in the polls simply by doing the right thing.

Why Do I Do This??

I'll be 47 in late December and I have finally figured out that I have several "character flaws" ( I can hear my wife saying "thank God" as she is reading this).  I like to blame my flaws on my DNA, but I know that I am responsible for what comes out of my mouth, how I react, and for my actions.  I wish I could control my temper better sometimes when I feel disrespected.  I wish I could always live by the "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" advice that I was given as a child. And I wish I could take back some of the things I have said to loved ones when I felt hurt or threatened by their actions or words.  I am working on those things and maybe by the time I am my granddad's age, I will finally be able to get a handle on some of my "junk"(maybe even sooner).

Growing up, my dad always used to say,  "Slow down.  You always have to be first, the best, the fastest, the strongest.  You drive me crazy!"  I just thought he wasn't as motivated as me.  But I still have this little character flaw that make me operate like a light switch.  I am either on and shining like a floodlight or I am in the "off" position and totally in the dark.  I am either totally all in or all out; just going through the motions.  This is especially true of my weight.  I am either losing a ton of weight or working on looking like Jabba the Hut in Star Wars.

So I am going to try and slow down a little and take things one step at a time.  I am going to try to be steady and consistent, especially in regards to my health and my weight.  For those of you that follow me, I was doing great through June of this year in regards to getting back in shape.  I had lost 40 pounds.  And then life happened.  And the busier I got, the more I slacked off of exercising, and the more I slacked off of exercising, the more I ate.  And the more I ate and didn't exercise, the more I weight I gained.  So now instead of losing 40 pounds, the grand total of weight loss is about 20 pounds.  In order to hit my goal weight by New Year's I have to lose .71 pounds per day.  Ouch!!

So I am ending this blog right now and heading to the gym to run 6 miles and lift weights and swim laps and then I will ride the stationary bike tonight!!   

And then the voice in my head starts saying, "Slow down.  Nice and steady Jeff, nice and steady!!"

Monday, September 26, 2011

It's OK to Be Afraid

This time of year the nights come early and stay long.  I love autumn and the colors and cool crisp air that it brings.  If there is a down side to this time of year, it is the fact that the days are short.  Driving home tonight, my wife and I were talking about how dark it was for how early it was.

This is also the time of year, as a child, that can seem somewhat scary.  And it's not just the long nights that gets kids stirred up.  It can be scary taking out the garbage in the dark, or simply walking to the car after a meal after the sun goes down.  Who can forget all of the scary feelings and thoughts that haunted houses and Halloween used to bring as a child at this time of year?

As adults we tell the children that it will be alright.  That they have nothing to fear.  But, deep inside,  I think as adults we are all a little afraid at times too.  Maybe we're not afraid of haunted houses and Halloween anymore, but other things take their places as we get older.  It's common to be afraid of love, or lack of it. Afraid of endings.  Afraid of the future and how we can make it through.  Afraid of not being able to provide for our family.  Ultimately, we might be afraid to die.

And really I think it is OK to be afraid.  I think it's how God made us.  As our hearts race a little and our palms get a little sweaty, at some critical juncture, you have to make a decision as to whether you are going to face your fears and slay your dragons, or whether you will let the fear paralyze you like it did as a child when visiting the haunted houses at Halloween.

As kids we always made it out of the haunted houses.  No one died.  Yes, we were terrified, and sometimes paralyzed with fear, but we kept moving and kept conquering our fears one step at a time, one scary turn at a time, and eventually we got to the end and "escaped" through the door. 

I think the same lessons apply to us now as adults when facing our fears.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God

I was recently introduced to a book that, for me, is very challenging.  I find myself reading the book and saying, "Yeah, that's right.  That's the way I think too".  So for my regular Sunday morning sermon, I am going to provide some excerpts from the book, With: Re imagining the Way You Relate to God by Skye Jethani. 

"...traditional religion, LIFE UNDER GOD, has failed to deliver us from fear.  Making matters worse, many of those driven to appease God and stridently follow what they believe are his commands have inflicted incalculable harm.  They have used fear, guilt, and sometimes violence to force others to live under their religion's heavy yoke.  This led atheist Christopher Hitchens to argue that the world would be a more peaceful and equitable place without belief in God. And he's not the only one.
In 1971, John Lennon released the song "Imagine".  In the lyrics Lennon calls himself a "dreamer", who imagines a world without nations and without religion.  Without these, he says, there would be "nothing to kill or die for."  Once ideas about heaven, hell, and God are removed, it becomes possible to "imagine all the people living life in peace."

Many people would like to believe that the problems plaguing our world could be solved if we simply put divisive ideas behind us, religion being chief among them, and then work toward a more harmonious future.  This is what John Lennon sang about in "Imagine".  It is also an apt definition of the LIFE OVER GOD posture-humanity living without God and free from the fearful superstition of religion.  But this view ignores two critical things-human nature and history.

But removing religious motivation does nothing to diminish our human capacity for evil....Therefore, if we remove religion, that particular motivation for conflict may be gone, but people will surely find some other reason to fight and kill each other.

Some of the most oppressive regimes of the twentieth century were constructed on the philosophical foundations of secular atheism.  Precise numbers are difficult to determine, but in Stalin's Soviet Union, some estimate twenty million people were killed.  Mao's Cultural Revolution in China resulted in sixty-five million deaths.  And the Khmer Rouge decimated an entire generation, two million people, in Cambodia's killing fields just a few decades ago.  The oppression continues in North Korea where at least two million have been killed.

Many of the criticisms of LIFE UNDER GOD are justified, but LIFE OVER GOD fares no better.  Secular humanism has no record of removing fear, fostering peace, or leading to a more just and verdant world.  Advocates of atheism may dream of a better world without religion, but their solution forces us out of the frying pan and into the fire.

I hope these excerpts give you some idea of what the book, With, is about and I hope that you will be challenged enough to purchase the book for yourself. 

Good Sunday Morning!!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Twitter Punking for the "Average Joe"

This past Thursday, I did a personal project on Twitter.  It was a day long project and I enjoyed doing it with the few people that follow my "tweets".  To get everyone up to speed, here is what I wrote:

"Good morning.  And in case I don't see you:  Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight". - Jim Carey in the Truman Show movie

In Kentucky meeting with the folks from the largest healthcare linen supplier in the state. Important mtg. w/ Jen, Jordon, and Ronnie.

Great mtg.  Next on the agenda is a mtg. to coach and consult with a small group of business ppl. to help nail down $500,000 of new business.

Just had lunch with a well-know top service guru in KY.  Thanks Steve (Mo).  Great discussion!

Heading back to TN to meet with possible 2016 Olympian, member of a popular rock band, and 1 of the most successful/beautiful women in the USA!

An incredible day.  So much progress and promise.  Thanks to all who were a part of it.  So good to be back home.

So here is the premise for my "project".  I have recently started to follow famous athletes, pastors, business people, artists, actors, and a variety of others.  We all seem to be so very interested in following these people.  Their days are filled with important meetings, big deals, busy schedules, and tidbits of information and wisdom.  But, in my opinion, their days are not any more important than ours, the "average Joe". 

So here is the explanation of my "tweets" and my day:

"Good morning.  And in case I don't see you:  Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight". - Jim Carey in the Truman Show movie  This tweet was a subtle hint that I had something planned for the day.  The premise of the Truman Show is that the main character lives in a world that is not real, fake, designed by someone else.  

In Kentucky meeting with the folks from the largest healthcare linen supplier in the state. Important mtg. w/ Jen, Jordon, and Ronnie. True.  I just happen to work at the largest healthcare linen supplier in the state.  And I had a meeting with the CEO to work out some details for commission and future meetings.

Great mtg.  Next on the agenda is a mtg. to coach and consult with a small group of business ppl. to help nail down $500,000 of new business. Yep, true again.  I helped my sales team secure half a million dollars in new business this quarter and we had to wrap everything up for the end of the quarter.  I know this doesn't sound like a large amount of business, but it sure helps.

Just had lunch with a well-know top service guru in KY.  Thanks Steve (Mo).  Great discussion!  Yeah, you are probably starting to catch on.  Steve works for the same company that I work for.  He truly is a top service person in Kentucky and knows so many people in Kentucky that he seems to run into people that he knows whenever we make business calls together.

Heading back to TN to meet with possible 2016 Olympian, member of a popular rock band, and 1 of the most successful/beautiful women in the USA!  I know you got it now.  My son, Joshie, is the possible 2016 Olympian, the member of the popular rock band is my other son, Spencer.  The successful/beautiful women that I met was my wife.  Statistically speaking, the income that she earns is in the top 10% of women in the U.S.

An incredible day.  So much progress and promise.  Thanks to all who were a part of it.  So good to be back home.  Just another way to look at the day.  I always see the tweets of these famous people that end the day like this.  Truly it was an incredible day.

So my point is this; you and I (the average Joe) are no different than all of these famous people that everyone looks up to.  As a matter of fact, I believe it is the "average Joe" that makes our economy (and our nation as a whole) work.  You and I can have lives that are just as satisfying and fulfilled as the people that we see on in the public eye.

Your life's worth depends in part on your attitude, your outlook, and your perspective. 

Here's to the "average Joes" of this country!

Friday, September 23, 2011

What a Mess!!

This is my understanding of what is going on politically lately:
  1. The Obama Administration supplied guns to Mexican drug thugs and then those same weapons were used in hundreds of crimes in the U.S. and Mexico, even killing a border patrol agent.  The sting was called Fast and Furious. And it is criminal.
  2. Obama made the most ridiculous comment I have ever heard by a president. "If you love me, you will help me pass this bill."  Really? Let the idol hero worship begin.
  3. A Job Act was presented by Obama that, as of this writing, has not been introduced as a bill.  No democratic Congressman will attach his/her name to it because they know it will fail. Obama is acting as though he cares about the economy when this Job Act is simply an election stunt. 
  4. Obama gave a speech blaming two wars, profligate spending, saying he had a pile of "IOU's" when he came to office, and if we don't pass his bill, we will pass all this crap to our children.  He is rewriting history folks!
  5. Obama proposed the Buffet Tax calling for $1.5 TRILLION in new taxes.  "It adds further instability to our system, more uncertainty and it punishes job creation and those people who create jobs," Ryan said today on “Fox News Sunday.” "Class warfare may make for good politics but it makes for rotten economics."
  6. Obama wants to raise taxes to help improve the economy.  He has said this in speech after speech this week.  Google it.  Can someone explain this concept to me?
  7. Palestine wants to be recognized by the UN as a separate state, with no Jews allowed even as a NATO member within it's borders.  Why is this Administration not vehemently rejecting this idea?  Answer: Because internally they support it. 
  8. Gross domestic product climbed at a 1 percent annual rate in the second quarter, down from a 1.3 percent prior estimate, according to revised Commerce Department figures released last month. Combined with the 0.4 percent annual rate of growth in the first three months of the year, the past two quarters were the weakest of the recovery that began in mid 2009.  Uh-oh!!!
  9. A recent poll found 62 percent disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy. The president’s overall job-approval rating was 39 percent, the lowest since he was inaugurated in January 2009.  What happened to "The Chosen One"?
  10. Unemployment continues at 9.1%,  If Obama wouldn't have changed the formula, official numbers would be at 11.8%.
  11. Buffet has not paid corporate taxes since 2002 and owes $1 Billion in back taxes.  The man that says he should pay more taxes is now fighting the government to avoid paying what he already owes.  And the president is naming a new tax proposal for millionaires after this guy?  What a joke!!
  12. Obama gave $535 Million to Solyndra and the company went backrupt.  Why?  The Chinese made a better yet cheaper product at the same time.  And the government couldn't do the research to figure this out?  And you still think it is a good idea to give the government more of your money to redistribute?
  13. Obama launched a new "Attack Watch" website so that his regime followers could snitch on people that dont' agree with him.  I signed up as someone that the Administration needs to follow.  I would encourage you to do the same. 
  14. Michelle Obama seems to disrespect the flag on 9/11.  During a flag ceremony, she appears to say to Hussein, "All this for a _______ flag?"  What a shame!  I wish I had 5 minutes to talk to Mrs. Hussein.  I would say, " $10 million for you to vacation?  What a waste."
  15. The Black Caucus puts race above country.  They have stated they are staying with Obama because he is black.  Not my words; read the following article. 
"South Central L.A. Tea Party Leader Calls on Black Caucus To Abandon Race-Based Allegiance To Obama. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) got an earful regarding the lack of jobs during the “For the People” Jobs Initiative town hall meeting in Detroit yesterday. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) responded to the predominantly black audience, “We don’t put pressure on the president because ya’ll love the president….We’re supportive of the president, but we’re getting tired, ya’ll…. We want to give the president every opportunity to show what he can do…to lead…. But the unemployment is unconscionable…our people are hurting.” South Central L.A. Tea Party Founder and President, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson issued the following statement regarding this matter:

“Rep. Maxine Waters and others in the Congressional Black Caucus are doing a disservice to their constituents by blindly supporting Barack Obama and waiting for him to lead. Obama is a food stamp president and he has no real plan to fix the U.S. economy, which is why he’s not taking his bus tour to impoverished inner cities. Maxine Waters and the CBC need to stop putting politics above the needs of their constituents and hold this president’s feet to the fire.

“For almost three years Obama has made empty promises to the American people about reversing the downward trend of the U.S. economy, but the results speak for themselves. Under Obama’s watch, unemployment is 9.2 percent (more than 16 percent for blacks) and S&P downgraded our credit rating. The unemployment rate in Detroit is over 30 percent and in the nation’s capitol unemployment for young people is at 50 percent. Yet, Obama’s job creation ‘plan’ consists of growing the size of the federal government and extending unemployment benefits!

“The South Central L.A. Tea Party will be listening, and more importantly, watching what Maxine Waters and other members of the CBC do to address these issues leading up to the presidential election. If they’re just giving lip service, then we will be at their town hall meetings to hold them and Obama accountable.”

Thank you for taking a stand Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson.

That should just about do it for my week of political blogs.  Hopefully, was watching.  If the thugs and goons for the regime are indeed watching, please report me and tell me what I have said this week that is a false smear.

Can someone tell me anything that this president has done that has been good for our country, our economy, or is working?  I honestly can't think of one thing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"It's Not Class Warfare, It's Math" . Really?

I have recently read an interesting article about the liberal's view of socialism and saw an entertaining, but misinformed bumper sticker, that read, "It's Patriotic to pay Taxes".  I will address the article first and then the bumper sticker.

The article, "Explaining Socialism to a Republican" had an "Oh you silly little person, don't you know we are already living in socialism and it's good" overtone.  The new term being used for this "enlightened" new form of government is Democratic Socialism.  

The article explained, "Democratic Socialism consists of a democratic form of government with a mix of socialism and capitalism. I proceeded to explain to her the actual meaning terms “democracy” and “socialism”.

Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens take part. It is government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Socialism is where we all put our resources together and work for the common good of us all and not just for our own benefit. In this sense, we are sharing the wealth within society.

To a Democratic Socialist, sharing the wealth means pooling tax money together to design social programs that benefit ALL citizens of that country, city, state, etc.

The fire and police departments are both excellent examples of Democratic Socialism in America.  Rather than leaving each individual responsible for protecting their own home from fire, everyone pools their money together, through taxes, to maintain a fire and police department. It’s operated under a non-profit status, and yes, your tax dollars pay for putting out other people’s fires. It would almost seem absurd to think of some corporation profiting from putting out fires.  But it’s more efficient and far less expensive to have government run fire departments funded by tax dollars."

I agree.  We need police and firefighters and public education.  But this is where the feeble little minds of the liberal Democrats, now known as Democratic Socialists, have manipulated and twisted something good to push for more and more of something that ultimately destroys.  Democratic Socialism is like FOOD.  With small, healthy portions, food is good and life-sustaining.  But once you start to stuff your face with Twinkies meal after meal after meal, and don't control your intake, you end up having a rear end that is three feet wide, diabetes, cancer, and ultimately, end up killing yourself slowly but surely.  Too much of anything is not a good thing.  The same is true of government control and spending.

Here are the facts.  We live in an America where 47% of wage-earning households pay no federal income taxes. Yet, the top 1% of wage earners in America pay 40%, the top 5% of wage earners pay nearly 60%, and the top 25% of wage earners pay 94% of the federal taxes in America.

The top 25% of American taxpayers could pay 100% of their income and it would not be enough to bring about the socialist eutopia that is often sought after by such wonderful, do-gooders that would take more and more of your money without a clear understanding of the end game. 

So my question to that driver is with the bumper sticker is this...who are the patriots?

I find it unconscionable that the POTUS is now going to name a tax policy after Warren Buffett. Mr. Buffett has done nothing more than game the system and is using his capital gains as a basis for his personal taxation. He unfairly compares that to the personal income tax rate of one of his secretaries.
What if we were to simplify the personal income tax code to a broad-based flat tax of 15% with deductions for child tax credit and mortgage interest tax deduction? We can maintain the current rate of capital gains, or even lower the rate to 10%. Then we can zero out dividends tax and estate taxes, forever. 

Why don't we ever hear about the president's friends like Mr. Immelt, the CEO of GE.  Mr. Immelt got away with GE not paying any corporate taxes while making a huge profit.  Oh, I forgot.  Immelt is an Obama Czar.  Here's another idea for the Democratic Socialists; lower the 35% federal corporate tax rate to 21% and eliminate those loopholes and subsidies, which obviously Mr. Immelt’s tax staff is very adept at using.

Then we woudn't have to raise the taxes of the average "Joe" like you and me.

In a blog by "Red County", the author stated, "Ok, pay attention liberal (Democratic Socialists); raising taxes at a time of a fragile economic period is not going to raise revenues. It is counter-productive. Furthermore, if you want to rehabilitate a drug addict, you do not give them more drugs. So if we want to reform the federal government, let us not give it more taxpayer revenue.  Unfortunately, the facts do not support this President or his failed policy proposals... but then again facts, and truth, are just unnecessary obstacles for liberal progressives."

So when the president said, "It's not class warfare, it's math", he was not telling the truth.  It's all about class warfare and making people, like my Facebook friends, believe that it is a good thing to tax the rich more so that we can all take care of each other. But, unfortunately, it simply doesn't work to keep taxing the workers to redistribute wealth to the non-workers.

I wonder if the President is including the entertainment and sport elites, his friends who attend big concerts and posh dinners and travel around with Michelle, and the folks at Martha's Vineyard, when he talks about the billionaires and millionaires or if it is just the hard-working job creators that he doesn't like?

Yes, those of you that "get it" realize that was a rhetorical question.

No Dogs or Jews Allowed!!

The Jews have been spat upon, literally and figuratively, throughout history.  Obviously, the plight of the Jews is recorded throughout the bible, as well as with the atrocities against the Jews at the hand of the madman Hitler, and most recently with the Palestinians and the fight for territory in Israel.  Many have tried to label Israel as an apartheid nation.  However, many religions and races all reside within the borders of this tiny nation.  So when the Palestinine Liberation Organization (PLO) ambassador to the US, Maen Areikat, told reporters in Washington on Tuesday that the Palestinian state and his regime is trying to gain recognition at the UN this week and that the state should be free of Jews, it certainly raised some eyebrows. 

In addition, just this past weekend, Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas , stated that he will request that the new Palestinian Authority would be handed to NATO under U.S. command.  However, not one Jew would be allowed to be on NATO's force and that, if the UN will accept the P.A. state, that not one Jewish settlement would be allowed to stand.

Israel Today magazine asks the question, "Why, one might ask, would such a "liberation" organization need to continue its work if the ostensible goal of statehood has been achieved? Because, as the Palestinians have said all along - starting with Yasser Arafat and continuing with the democratically-elected Hamas government - the true end goal is not a Palestinian state living side-by-side with Israel, but rather a Palestinian state replacing Israel."

So if this Palestinian state is recognized by the U.N., no Jews will be allowed in their holy land.  Not even one Jew will be allowed in as a member of the NATO force.  And Palestinians are stating that the land must be cleansed of all contamination of the "evil race".  They might as well put a sign on the nation that the Germans used to put on their storefronts: "No dogs or Jews allowed".

I have an unsettling feeling that Sheik Barack Hussein Obama may not support the idea publicly, but will commit thousands of American troops to the region in "compliance" with NATO and UN requests.

Obama will view this operation as a feather in his cap.  Peace in the Middle East!  Ultimately, I believe this is part of Hussein Obama's grand scheme.  In reality, this will destroy Israel as we know it today.

But I am quite certain that Israel will not take this U.N. mandate sitting down.  Hang on folks, this could get very ugly very quickly.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

More Ammo for

For those of you who don't know, last week "Big Brother" Obama started his fourth website, called Attack Watch, to encourage the "regime's" followers to snitch on their neighbors if they heard them saying anything bad or false against "The Chosen One".  When I was a kid, we used to call this practice being a "tattle tale".  This site was intended to be a place for his supporters to report "attacks" on Obama's record and get the "facts". So far, the site has been met with scathing mockery by true patriots.  So I thought I would get in on the fun.  I reported my site and now have cookies running from Obama's "tattle tales" to this blog.

In an op ed published in the International Business Times, Nadine DeNinno argues that site is pointless, saying it is counterproductive and has become a laughingstock.  "The website had become simply an instrument used by opponents to rail the president by conservative, using it as their personal punching bag," she wrote.  "The people who monitor the site will be quite busy, as Attack Watch only warrants more attacking."

I am all for free speech.  It is obviously one of the principles that our country was founded on and sets us apart from other countries.  But it certainly does not seem presidential to me at all.

In celebration of me signing myself up for Attack Watch, I will be blogging all political blogs through Friday of this week.  Sorry Dena.

Monday, September 19, 2011

George Washington's Farewell Address

This day, in 1796, George Washington officially announced for the first time that he was going to retire.  The stories of Washington's character and leadership are numerous, however, one of the most telling things that Washington did was after he announced that he would not run for the office of President for a third term.  When Washington was done, he simply returned to his farm.  Man's lust for power is well-documented from the fall of Adam and Eve until present time.  The need for power seems to be in our DNA.  However, after Washington’s victory over the British at Yorktown, King George III asked American-born portrait painter Benjamin West what Washington planned to do now that he had won the war.  West answered: “They say he will return to his farm.”

King George replied: “If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world.”

Known as his most famous address, Washington never publicly gave his 'Farewell Adress" but instead had it published in the newspaper, Philadelphia’s American Daily Advertiser.  The address covers 32 hand-written pages and is somewhat hard to understand.  Therefore, I have highlighted a few points that resonated with me.  They are as follows:

Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism who should labor to subvert these great Pillars… Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion.

And of fatal tendency…to put, in the place of the delegated will of the Nation, the will of a party; – often a small but artful and enterprising minority… They are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the Power of the People and to usurp for the themselves the reins of Government; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion…

       Washington concluded:
Let there be no change by usurpation (wrongful seizure of power)…It is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.

Describing the farewell address in his book on the life of Washington, Henry Cabot Lodge wrote " man ever left a nobler political testament."  

I believe we would do well to heed Washington's advice in this current time.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fear This

I had an interesting discussion with Papa Dale this week centered around fear.  His contention was that most of what we deal with in our lives is due to the fears that we have.  I agree.  Let me explain with something that most of us deal with and is a common issue across the U.S.

Let's say I want to lose weight.  I go on a plan and am successful short term and then I slip a little due to some circumstances that cause me to be "uber" busy.  And, ultimately, I have trouble getting back to eating healthy and exercising regularly.  Is it because I fear something?  At first glance, it is easy to say no, that I was just busy or lazy.  But ultimately, there is usually something deeper.  Being busy or lazy are really just excuses.  If I am lazy, it is because I am comfortable.  And if I am comfortable, it means that, even though I know there are benefits to eating healthy and exercising regularly, I am OK with staying where I am.  If I am OK with being unhealthy, and with the probability of ending my life prematurely due to my health, I believe it is because I know there is pain and discipline involved in getting back in shape and getting healthy.  The bottom line is that I fear, at some level, the pain and discipline involved to get back in the game.

Even subconsciously I can't escape my fears.  I very rarely remember my dreams.  Out of 365 nights a year, I probably remember 2 or 3 dreams the next day from the night before.  Last night was one of the nights that I remember.  And ironically, it centered around my losses from five years ago.  My dream was a blatant reminder that I can be afraid of the future at times based on some of the things of the past.  Yes, at a certain level, I am afraid to take the next big step.  My outward appearance is that of a confident man, while inwardly I occasionally deal with the "what if's" in my life.

And I think if people will be honest, almost all of us deal with fear on a certain level throughout our lives.  Fear of failure, low self-esteem is based on fear, fear of God, fear of our parents, fear of success, fear of relationships, and fear of the future are all very common.

And the only way to replace fear is through simple, pure love.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Be like an Athlete

When I was an athlete, it was common to practice, train, study the competition, give incredible effort, and do whatever was necessary, within the rules, to win.

Unfortunately, after we graduate and move into the real world, I don't think that we carry on with that type of dedication, commitment, or passion.  Part of the reason is because it is hard to commit to excellence over a long period of time.  Let's face it.  It is a lot different to run a marathon than it is to run like Usain Bolt in the 100m.

So, I have made a list of things that I think can help us not only in our personal lives but in our professional life as well.  My list is as follows:

  1. Be like an athlete.  Prepare yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Just like an athlete puts on a uniform on gameday, we should consider our work wardrobe as our uniform and prepare yourself in the morning for the rest of the day.
  2. Stretch.  Athletes stretch their bodies before they perform.  However, in our professional and personal lives we need to stretch ourselves to the limit mentally and emotionally.  Do what is difficult to do.  Be willing to do what others won't do.  Develop other leaders in your organization.  Work on customer satisfaction.  Have acute clarity for 90 day goals.  Build trust and relationships.  Be world class.
  3. Embrace change.  As an athlete, change is the norm.  Different conditions, teams, and plays are faced every week.  In our current economy, if we don't change personally and professionally, we will get left behind.  Change is required to get to the next level of profit, satisfaction, and success.
  4. Don't do it just for the money.  Do it for the pride you feel when creating world-class products, providing world-class service, and doing genius-level work.
  5. Make it simple.  I always say to my team, "A confused mind says no".  You and your employees will achieve better results faster if laser-like focus is possible.  Laser like focus can only happen when the complex is made simple.
  6. Positively influence those around you.  Leadership is about influence.  Less talk and more action is required.  Grow other leaders.  The bigger your goals, the better your team (family) has to be.
  7. Be obsessive about excellence.  Surround yourself with others that are inspiring to you.  Create an environment of winning.
  8. Serve.  Ask yourself who you can help.  Don't ask what you can get for you.  Business and life are about producing unusual value to as many people as possible.
So, I am challenging myself and challenging you to be like an athlete starting today.  Nothing feels quite like hitting a home run, scoring the winning touchdown, or getting to the finish line before the competition.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Pat Robertson is Wrong

Pat Robertson has not had my respect for quite some time now.  Recently, he made a statement that has offended me to the core.  He stated that a man is free to divorce his wife if she has Alzheimer's, on the pretense that "She is not there". 

I am deeply and personally aware of the toll that this disease takes on the caregivers.  I watched my granddad in the latter part of my grandmother's journey suffer through emotional pain and inconvenience on a daily basis.  My Uncle Loren has taken care of my aunt for years without a spoken word from her to say that she loves him or knows him or is thankful for the ice cream that he serves her everyday.

Pat Robertson's statement gives my granddad "permission" to walk away from my grandma.  His statement gives my uncle permission to walk away from my aunt.  And with this reasoning, I could have walked away from my grandmother because she didn't know who I was in her last days on earth.

If I had the opportunity to speak with Pat Robertson, I would tell him that the example that has been set by my granddad and my uncle have left life long impressions on me of what true love is all about.  They have demonstrated that you love someone, not only when it is convenient, but when it is tough and hard and seemingly without reward.  They have demonstrated that their loved ones have value.

People are not to be seen as commodities measured only by their usefulness but rather measured by their inherent worth.  When people are seen as commodities, they are used for prostitution, drug trafficking, abortion, euthanasia, genocide, slavery, and can be tossed aside when the terrible disease of Alzheimer's wracks their brains.

If at some future date you find me staring into the distance because this disease has taken it's toll on my mind and body please do not cast me off.  Please still love me.  I will do the same for the loved ones around me.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Alex, Uncle Don and Aunt Jean

I wrote a blog entitled "Riding Life's Wave" on August 25th ( I encourage you to read it).  It was about an inspiring, courageous young man named Jacob Brewer.  Since posting that blog, I have received the most incredible comments about how he has positively affected those around him.  The last comment I recieved tugged at my heart.  I don't know this person but I applaud her for her honesty and insight.  Carol McMillon wrote to me and said, "It has taken me awhile to be able to comment on Jacob's special day. There is not a single person who doesn't fall in love with him. He leaves his foot print on your heart. I cannot even imagine living one day in a wheelchair let alone years! My sister once asked me to speak to a group of Kroger employees. Standing in front of the room looking at Jacob I suddenly had a life altering moment. I wanted our family to be "perfect", but how could we when we had a "handicapped" family member. It was in that moment that I realized our family was already "perfect" BECAUSE of Jacob. I was ashamed of myself. Oh, the things he has taught us!"

Thank you Carol for commenting.  What a great message and what a great life lesson for us all to learn.

The story of Jacob started me thinking about one of my own family members.  Carol's comments reflect my feelings toward my cousin Alex.  Alexander Montgomery, was special to our family in every sense of the word.  You see, Alex was born on May 31st, 1976, with severe Down's Syndrome which was complicated by a terrible heart condition.  At his birth, doctors gave Alex only a short time to live.  But Alex was a fighter and defied the odds.  Alex wanted to live and enjoy life to the best of his ability.  And Alex did enjoy his life, although harder than your life or mine, for 30 years.  In those thirty years, Alex warmed the hearts of all those he met with a warm smile and often a hug.  Christmas time was special for 30 years also.  Alex loved Santa, who would make a visit every year to deliver presents and visit with Alex.  Alex also taught us to appreciate simple things.  McDonald's shakes, special rides, and a daily visit to a special tree were all things that most of us would not think much about.  But Alex reminded us all that it was the small things in life that mattered.  Alex passed on January 10th, 2007 and although he has been in heaven for almost five years now, I still think about him and the honor it was to hang out with Alex and to learn from him how to live life despite tough odds.

But Alex is only part of this incredible story.  My Uncle Don and Aunt Jean cared for Alex for those 30 years.  And despite how tough it was to care for Alex, I never heard either of them complain.  Both of these wonderful human beings have demonstrated to everyone who has ever met them an incredible patience, unconditional love, and a reverance and respect for human life that is often dismissed today for the sake of convenience. 

I have always had a special place in my heart for Uncle Don and Aunt Jean.  They are just good people.  Growing up, Uncle Don was the cool, muscular, fun guy to be with.  Aunt Jean was the beautiful, even- keeled person that always took an interest in whatever it was that I was doing.  Today, they are still those things to me, but I see them in a different light.  After knowing how difficult it is to raise children who are not physically and mentally challenged, I have come to appreciate just how special they are.

I don't get to visit with Uncle Don and Aunt Jean as much as I would like.  Distance prevents that.  But I do think of them more often than they know and I am thankful for the times that I had growing up having them in my life and am thankful for the few times that we get to see each other nowadays.

And if I could see them today, I would thank them for the life lessons that they have taught me and how blessed I know that I have been to have them in my life.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Common Man's Common Sense Job Plan

On 9/9/11, I posted a blog titled, " The Greatest Speech in the History of Mankind".  It was a blog that I wrote while listening to Obama's speech.  Needless to say, I was not impressed with his speech or his Jobs Act.  Because I railed on Obama's plan, several of my readers have asked me what I would do differently.  While I am at a distinct disadvantage due to the intelligence and brilliance of Obama and his availability to tap acadamia's top think tanks and strategy rooms, I will try my best to compete with his ideas and convey my jobs plan from the table of my 22 foot camper all by myself.  My plan would be called "The Common Man's Common Sense Jobs Act"

First of all, the biggest and most fundamental change that needs to take place is an idealogical one.  What I would try to convey to the American public is the same sentiment that was expressed by Marco Rubio a month ago.  We don't need more taxes to the tune of $447 billion (added to the $787 billion stimulous package), we need more taxpayers.  And those taxpayers need permanent jobs, not the temporary construction "shovel ready" jobs proposed again by the current president. Permanent taxes for temporary jobs makes absolutely no sense to me.

In addition, I would make a speech that would attempt to immediately stop the blantant "divide and conquer" scheme of the Obama Administration.  President Ronald Reagan understood the power of words and brought the nation together when he stated, "How can limited government and fiscal restraint be equated with lack of compassion for the poor?  How can a tax break that puts a little more money in the weekly paychecks of working people be seen as an attack on the needy?  Since when do we in America believe that our society is made up of two diametrically opposed classes-one rich, one poor-both in a permanent state of conflict and neither be able to get ahead except at the expense of the other?....Since when do we in America endorse the politics of envy and division?"  We don't need a president that gives us a choice of taxing corporate jet owners or letting autistic children slip through the cracks.  We don't need a president that pits oil companies against the construction worker.  We need someone to bring us together. To focus and work toward the common goal of making America great once again.

Overall, I believe people are not worried about the economy.  I believe they are concerned about the cost of the all the regulations, new taxes, and new health care requirements placed upon them by the Obama Administration the last 32 months.  For example, if a company has $150,000 available for new employees, let's suppose they can hire 3 new employees. But, if they think they may have to pay $100,000 in new regulations, taxes and health care costs for their current employees, then they won't hire two of the three employees. If they are only going to get the benefit of one employee, is it really worth the added expense or is it easier to just give the current employees a few more hours or added responsibilities?  The answer is obvious as proven by the zero new jobs added last month.

So the first thing I would do is to repeal Obamacare.  I believe that this act would build some confidence in the American public and would start the ball rolling.  I do believe that the American health care system is the best in the world, but I do believe there is abuse and that it needs to be fixed.  I am not smart enough to know all of the answers, therefore, I would ask congress to come up with a plan that would be read by all members of congress first and then do what Obama said he would do but didn't.  I would post the bill on the internet for every American to read.  I would then ask members of Congress to go out and talk to their constituents and then come back and pass a bill that works for business as well as the individual.  The American people want three main things out of health care reform: They want health costs to drop. They want the number of people with insurance to rise. And they want to make sure that people with expensive preexisting conditions aren’t going without medical care. Conservatives can deliver on all three counts.  There are also many things that Americans don’t want out of health care reform: the loss of their health care plans; reductions in medical innovation; a decline in the quality of care; massive increases in federal spending and debt; the government injecting itself into the doctor-patient relationship; and eventual federal rationing. Conservatives can avoid following in Obamacare’s footsteps on each of these counts.

The health plan released by House Republicans in late 2009 already provides the framework for lowering costs. It would allow Americans to buy health insurance across state lines; allow small businesses to pool together to buy insurance; allow private entities greater latitude in following the cost-cutting model of offering lower premiums for healthier lifestyles; prevent runaway malpractice lawsuits, which lead doctors to practice costly defensive medicine and thereby substantially raise health costs for everyone; and make it easier to use pre-tax Health Savings Accounts (in connection with real insurance, used to cover unforeseen expenses, not routine care)—which let people control their own health care dollars, shop for the best values, and pay for care directly—rather than providing a tax break only for those who funnel their money through insurers.

The conservative's plan should emphasize three relatively simple things: lowering health costs, stopping the tax code from discriminating against the uninsured, and funding state-run community (“high-risk”) pools. A Conservative plan that did these three things would be scored by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) as cutting costs and adding on the order of 10 million people to the ranks of the newly insured. 

Then leave the rest of us alone.  I like my healthcare and so do most Americans.

The second thing I would do is to take a page from the Mark Levin playbook and introduce a "Super Wealthy Tax for Billionaires".  Warren Buffet wants to be taxed more.  He believes the government has been coddling him.  Bill Gates is a lib and thinks the wealthy should be taxed more also.  So I would tell them to shut up and write a check.  Talk is cheap, so I would urge Congress to pass a tax of a straight tax of $10 billion dollars on individuals that make $40 billion +.  That would include the exclusive group of two; Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.  As part of this bill, Congress would be required to comply with another Obama request.  They would be required to cut $10 in spending for every $1 in taxes.  So with the two individuals, we would have $20 billion in new taxes and $200 billion in required spending cuts.  Again, this would be a great confidence booster for the American public, it would allow Buffet and Gates to be happy and pay a lot of taxes, and it would allow our credit rating to be upgraded due to the spending cuts.  Common sense. And only two people in the entire United States are affected.  And they want to pay, so let them.

The third thing I would do is to revamp the EPA and the restrictions put on businesses and individuals.  Herman Cain proposed having a committee of people on the EPA that have been unjustly and unfairly fined by the EPA.  I agree.  Let's get the common man in Washington, D.C.  In addition to the "Common Man EPA Committee" I would"
  1. Eliminate the special tax-exempt status granted to environmental groups.  Let's not kid ourselves.  These groups are not nonpartisan charitable foundations.
  2. Eliminate special statutory authority granting environmental groups to bring lawsuits on behalf of the public.  I would also make these groups pay the defendant the amount of the lawsuit if the environmental group lost the lawsuit.  
  3. I would fight all efforts to use environmental regulations to set governmental industrial policies and diminish the nations standard of living such as 'cap and trade' and efforts to regulate "man-made climate change".
Again, this would build confidence in American business and allow them to have confidence to hire more people.  More taxpayers.

The last thing I would do is the eliminate the progressive income tax and replace it with a flat income tax or national sales tax.  Every citizen of the country would be required to pay the tax so that they all have a stake in eliminating the abuse of federal government spending.  20% of America is illiterate.  They can't read english so they can't get jobs.  And guess who they vote for?  Whoever is promising a free lunch and that is part of the problem that has gotten us to the tough place that we are at now. 

My "Common Man's Common Sense Jobs Act" is not mainstream.  It's intended to be that way.  The academic think tanks in Washington, D.C. have failed us.  It is time for a new plan.  It needs to be simple and easy.  Basically, my plan is to have a flat income tax or national sales tax, reduce unnecessary federal spending, and relieve the burden of excessive government regulations.  1, 2, 3.  That's it.

By the way, as of my writing of this blog, the Obama Job Act has not been introduced as a bill.  The party line is that it hasn't been fully written yet.  But at the same time, Obama is traveling the country repeating the mantra to congress to "pass this bill" immediately.  Ironic isn't it?  Everything needs to be passed right now or we face "Armeggedon".  Insiders are saying that the bill hasn't been introduced yet because no congressman has attached his/her name to this act.  And the reason is because they all know this Jobs Act will not pass congress.  It is only a way to try to position the republicans as the bad guys.

Seems like I am not the only one that didn't like the speech.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Random Thoughts in my Brain

I am just getting back from Chattanooga, so I need to make this short.  I have just a few random thoughts for today:

Back to the president's speech last week.  I wrote an entire blog and commented as I was watching the speech.  However, I have gone back and reviewed parts of the speech and caught one line that I think can sum up his entire speech.  Obama said, " What kind of country would this be if this chamber had voted down Social Security or Medicare just because it violated some rigid idea about what government could or could not do?"  Some "rigid idea"?  THAT is how this President sees the Constitution.  As a "rigid idea".  This should be the takeaway from the entire speech.  He sees no limits on government's power because he rejects that "rigid idea".  If there were any doubt of how little Barack Obama knows and cares about the Constitution, it was put to rest with that line.  The rest of his speech was simply designed to tell the GOP that if the economy doesn't improve, it's their fault.

On 9/11, Dena and I went to Chattanooga.  A parade and a ceremony were taking place that day.  It was good to see the gathering firefighters and the huge flag that had been hoisted with two gigantic cranes.  I certainly enjoyed watching the comments on Twitter that day.  The common thread was that people felt unified that day.  Out of a horrific tragedy, the good in people surfaced and we all united for a short time.

Paul Krugman is lost.

CNN's Republican Party debate was not good.  Specifically, Perry lost the crowd when he insisted that the Dream Act is a states issue.  The Dream Act grants in-state tuition to illegal alien students at taxpayer expense and the Tea Party supporters will have nothing to do with it.  This may be the issue that hurts Perry for the nomination.  Perry with have the same problem with this issue as Romney has had with Obamacare.

Monday, September 12, 2011

By the Campfire

This post is truly a campfire Chronicle.  Thanks to technology, I am writing next to the warmth of a fire on a cool night in Chattanooga.   The weekend has been filled with fun, family, and friends.  The line, "Is this heaven? No this is Iowa" from the movie Field of Dreams comes to mind.  Even with the natural chaos that comes with getting six families together, planning meals, and all of the activities, this weekend has been a great break from the norm and has been a small glimpse of heaven.

And it is the simple things I will remember from this weekend. Laughing until my stomach hurt, watching the young kids do simple things like shoot cans with a BB gun, and enjoying long conversations about anything and everything seem so simple but yet mean so much.

Unfortunately, I can see lightning in the distance and the "crew" is putting everything away, so I am cutting the blog short.

To everyone that I spent time with this weekend, "thank you".  It has been fun and I look forward to many more times with you next to the campfire,

Sunday, September 11, 2011


September 11th, 2001 is a bittersweet day for me.  Obviously, our world has changed vastly politically, culturally, and psychologically since that day.  My heart still aches for the souls of the senseless murders of innocent victims that day.  On the other hand, my heart rejoices because out of this tragedy, the very best of America and humankind was brought to the forefront.  As with every American, I will never forget that day.  The real question is whether we will ever learn.

9/11 hit very close to home for me personally.  I had met with two of the head engineers in the Twin Towers two weeks beforehand.  I was working on selling them a wireless host network system.  Fancy words for saying that we would put the equipment in the buildings so that cell phones and wireless devices would work throughout the buildings.  With brokers in the building, it was a perfect fit.  They could check their stock updates whether they were in the restroom, the elevator, or the basement.  As I toured the building, I remember thinking that the buildings and the campus were majestic, an architectural marvel, and an incredible symbol of American business.  As I left New York, I made arrangements to call and schedule a meeting for our engineers and me to meet with their engineers within a few weeks. 

As planned, I called the Twin Towers to schedule the meeting.  I suggested September 11th at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.  One of the engineers could not be contacted via his two-way radio, so we decided to tentatively plan on meeting that day and that we would confirm as soon as possible.  A couple of days passed and I was able to schedule a meeting with the Super Dome in New Orleans.  They wanted to meet on September 11th.  So I called my contacts at the Twin Towers and told them that I needed to know if September 11th would work or not because the Super Dome was wanting to schedule that day.  In a split-second decision, the engineer said that it would be OK to schedule for September 18th at the same time.  I assured him that the Twin Towers were my priority and that I would be happy to meet with them the 11th.  He said it was no big deal, the 18th would work out well.

I was on the way to O'Hare Airport when my wife called me and told me that a plane had hit the Tower.  I remember telling her that I was glad I wasn't there because the guys that I was meeting with would be really busy trying to get the place back in order.  I had no idea what had really just happened!

I don't know why I wasn't at those buildings that day.  I don't know that I have a special purpose in life.  It could be that I simply wasn't ready to die that day.  Whatever the reason, I know that it just wasn't my day to go.  In the year's since that day, I have often thought of the second chances that I have been afforded and have learned to appreciate the small things in life.

Unfortunately, I believe that some of the messages of September 11th have been swept under the rug.  For example, immigration and homeland security will not profile individuals that match the criteria of the terrorists on September 11th.  Ironically, I am the one that is always searched at the airport.  Also, our military leaders refuse to take action from the ranks until it's too late and an incident happens like the shootings at Fort Hood.  Obama will not allow the word 'jihadist" to be used and the U.S. national security strategy documents removed the words "Islamic extremism" as required by him.

Michelle Malkin recently wrote, "Similarly, too many teachers refuse to show and tell who the perpetrators of 9/11 were and who their heirs are today. My own daughter was one year old when the Twin Towers collapsed, the Pentagon went up in flames and Shanksville, Pa., became hallowed ground for the brave passengers of United Flight 93. In second grade, her teachers read touchy-feely stories about peace and diversity to honor the 9/11 dead. They whitewashed Osama bin Laden, militant Islam and centuries-old jihad out of the curriculum. Apparently, the youngsters weren’t ready to learn even the most basic information about the evil masterminds of Islamic terrorism."

In school systems in America today, teachers are instructed not to talk about the bombing of the Twin Towers by crazed lunatics.  Instead, they are instructed to teach about intolerance and hurtful words.  My guess is that those hurtful words do not include words such as “Kill the Jews,” “Allahu Akbar” and “Behead all those who insult Islam” that are screamed by the jihadists on a daily basis.

America has been hated for over 200 years now by Koran-inspired soldiers of Allah.  It is not George Bush's fault, it is not Ronald Reagan's fault, and it is not the fault of the innocent victims of 9/11.  Ten years later, it is well past time to leave behind the political rhetoric of the leftist liberals, teach the truth about our enemies, and make a united stand.  We still are the United States of America.

God bless the U.S.A.

P.S.  I was very moved by the video and story that I have attached below.  It speaks to the spirit of the brave men and women that gave all on that fateful September day.  I think I am especially moved because this young man, Welles Crowther, Jr. was an athlete and an aspiring fireman - two things that are near and dear to my heart.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Granddad!!

My granddad, Charles Filmore Martin, was born on this day in 1914.  Celebrating his birthday today is quite a feat in itself.  There is no doubt my granddad has beaten the odds.  For an American male born in 1900, his life expectancy was 47 years.  Statistically speaking there is only a 0.3 % chance of him living to be 97. Men have a 0.1% chance of living to be 100.  And my granddad did not live in a protective "bubble" throughout his life.  By most standards, his life has been quite difficult.  For example, his family's house was burned to the ground by a crazy neighbor so they lived in a tent for 1.5 years, through a rugged winter while his father tried to afford and build another home.  As a young boy, my grandfather would stay up very late rowing the boat while his father fished for the family meal. He would then sleep for a few hours and go to school, getting permission to sleep during recess.  He didn't own a car for quite some time, so he would run 20+ miles (roundtrip) to town to date Grandma. He worked two jobs while building his own home.  He walked from just west of Kansas City to Peoria after visiting his aunt when he was just 8 years old.  The trip that he made on foot was approximately 400 miles.  I could go on and on and on with stories like this about my granddad, but hopefully you get the picture, his life has not been easy and he is quite remarkable.

And the fact that he has beaten the odds regarding the longevity of his life or that his life has not been sheltered is not the remarkable part of my granddad's journey.  What is remarkable is the way that he has lived his life and his love of life.  I will not make my granddad out to be a saint.  He is not.  He is human and has struggled with things just like you and I, in particular his temper.  But to me, that makes his story more attractive.  It makes me appreciate and love him even more. He has inspired so many around him with his caring nature, his love, his support of extended family, and his love of nature and traveling.  He simply has a zest for life, even at 97.

Just recently Grandpa has continued to write his remarkable story.  When you get to be my granddad's age, the government likes you to take an annual drivers test to ensure that you haven't slipped too much throughout the year.  So my granddad took his test a few days ago.  After waiting for 3+ hours, he finally got his opportunity to take a written and driving test.  The administrator encouraged him to take his time and think through his answers.  As Grandpa got to the second question, he noticed that the test was immediately providing an answer as to whether or not the answer that he submitted was correct.  Encouraged that he got the first two answers correct, he continued to work through all 29 questions.  As he ended the test, he was rewarded for his incredibly sharp mental capacity.  He had gotten 28 of 29 answers correct.  Not bad for a 97 year old man.  Not bad for anyone.  He was thrilled with the results but regretted that he didn't change the one answer that he had considered changing previously which would have given him a perfect test score.

It was then time to take the driving test.  Granddad indicated that the instructor made him drive at least twice the normal amount of distance usually required.  She said nothing to Grandpa except to give him directions of where to turn.  When they pulled into the driver's license facility at the end of his test, the instructor looked at Grandpa and said only, " You were a little heavy on the brakes on some of your stops."  That was it.  A perfect written test coupled with a perfect driving test.  Simply amazing.  Another inspiring story. Another chapter for my book.

I believe my granddad's life is so incredible and inspiring that I have started writing a book about his life.  Actually, I have started the book four or five times now.  I get a few chapters in and decide that it doesn't capture the essence of my granddad's life and so I throw it away and start again.  Hopefully, someday I can get the book to come together.  I think you would be inspired by his life's journey as much as I have been.

Granddad, thank you for living your life the way you have.  You are a true inspiration to me as well as hundreds of other people.  You have showed us all how to love, you have showed us how to persevere, and you have taught us, by example, how to live.  I am looking forward to you becoming part of the 0.1 % club in a few years.


Friday, September 9, 2011

The Greatest Speech in the History of Mankind

The greatest speech in the history of mankind.  That's right folks.  That's how Obama's speech was being billed tonight.  And it was exciting to think that after 32 months this man-child president had finally gotten the jobs problem figured out and he was going to fix us. 

I could recount the speech and all of the points in it, but I don't have the time to write it and I am sure you don't have the time to read a blog that would be that lengthy.  Therefore, I will share a few of my thoughts as I am listening to the speech:

At any moment, I expected Obama to stomp his foot on the ground, pound his fist on the podium, and say, "Pass this jobs bill.  I won the election and I really, really mean it this time!"

What is being offered that is new?  I can't find ANYTHING yet.  He said we are spending too much too fast.  Really?!  Obama, you are the problem.  Do you think I am an idiot?  You have spent more in 32 months than what the U.S. spent in it's entire history to this point.  Listening to this speech and having it make sense would require that I pretend not to know what Obama has done for the past 32 months.  There is absolutely no merit to what this faker is saying.  Has he ever had a job?  No. And I really don't think this guy could run a lemonade stand. 

I am now shaking in my shoes.  He wants to review all regulations. He says he wants a common sense approach to regulation.  Could someone please pan the camera to the Gibson Guitar CEO right now?  I wonder how he feels about Obama's common sense approach to raiding his company last week?  Is this the same guy that raids a dairy farm because a farmer wants to sell raw milk?  Is this the guy that is making me use light bulbs that exposes me to mercury?  Is this the guy that tells me what kind of toilet I can have in my house?  Is this the same guy that will raise the price of a car by an average of $11,000 because he passing regulation on MPG?  I am scared to death that he is reviewing all regulations.

I detest Barack Hussein telling me what the story of America is about.  He says, 'In fact, this larger notion that the only way to restore prosperity is to dismantle government, refund everybody's money, and let them write their own rules and tell everyone they are on their own.  That's not who we are.  That's not the story of America.  Yes, we are rugged individuals.  Yes, we are strong and self-reliant."  Hang on, I feel a "but" coming.  Yep, there it is.  "But, there has always been another thread running through our history."  He then tells us about Lincoln, a Republican president who used Congress to fight a war, build a railroad.  Where would we be if Congress didn't build highways and build bridges?  Our airports?  You see folks, this is a strategy to put words into the mouths of conservatives that 1) they don't say and 2) that they don't believe.  We all want necessary things such as roads and schools and airports.  We just don't want another $450 billion spent on the same old thing that has produced nothing but high debt and is taxing my children and their children to the point that they can't recover.  Stop the lies!!

Obama says the word "individual" with such utter contempt and disdain that it's like profanity to him!!

You don't know what liberty is Barack Hussein!!

You want to provide tax cuts to businesses but tax the individual that makes over $250,000?  Sir, they are one in the same for the most part.  You are talking about the small business owner that uses most of his profit to keep his company going and provide a needed service and employ and provide for others.  This plan makes no sense and will bring America to it's knees!  But he doesn't understand this point because he has never held a job. And he lacks common sense.  If it sounds good in the liberal think tanks, it must work, right?

The next election is 14 months away? No joke.  Americans don't have 14 more months?  I agree.  They have been hurting for 32 months.  Where have you been Obama?  This is a campaign speech for Obama's re-election.  But instead of using the money that he raises for his campaign, he is going to use our money.  First, he calls for a joint Congressional session to give a speech for nothing.  It is unprecedented what Obama has done.  This is usually reserved for announcements of war, state of the union speeches, etc.  He will now take this message to the American people, starting tomorrow.  On our dime.  By the way, Michelle must be tired from hosting Richard Trumpka during the speech.  She will take a little vacation to Brazil tomorrow.  After all, it has been a week since she got back from the East Coast.  $10,000,000 and counting.

Everything is "right now" with this guy.  Except for when he is on vacation.  I have an idea.  Go on vacation for 14 more months and do nothing.  Please go away.  Leave us alone.  Go play golf.  Please.  Please.  Please!

When B. Hussein was elected, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.  He was billed as the 'Chosen One" that would bring us all together.  He was an historic president.  He was about hope and change.  So now as I listen to B. Hussein end his speech, I am sickened by his hollow rhetoric that has no long term plans and has provided nothing new.  The only thing different about this speech was that he was very impassioned.  Just more of the same old same old.

He blamed others of course.And just remember, none of this is Obama's fault.  It is Bush's fault, the fault of Congress (the Dems must be mad about this one), the hurricanes fault, the tsunami's fault in Japan, the oil leak's fault in the Gulf, corporate jet owners, ATM's, speculators, high gas prices, the Tea Party, the Arab spring, and probably his golf game.

So "just pass this bill" and everything will be alright!!  Sadly approximately 36% of America will really believe this.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Mellow Season of Autumn

As I sit alone in my camper tonight, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense that autumn is upon us.  The cold rain is falling and playing strange tunes on the roof of the camper, an occasional gust of wind pounds on the windows, the leaves have lost their luster with some turning yellow, and a few of the trees are losing their leaves.  In the background, I have the radio tuned to a "smooth" easy-listening channel, as I sip a hot cup of tea and honey.  Other than being with my family, there is no other place I would rather be tonight than in my little 22 foot camper.  I know that there will be a few more hot days in the next couple of weeks, but there is no mistaking that we have turned the corner and the seasons are changing.

Autumn is my favorite time of year.  I have great memories of the "harvest season". My grandparents yard was the perfect place to play when the leaves started to fall.  I made huge piles of leaves and would jump into the piles until I was exhausted.  And then I would just lie down and enjoy the softness the piles provided.  I also loved being in Farmdale (the woods) in the fall.  Although seemingly meaningless and uneventful, one of the favorite memories of my youth was during the fall when I took a walk through the woods.  It was a Sunday afternoon and I laid down on a gradually sloping hill that overlooked the 15-foot wide stream that passed through the valley.  The air was crisp, the sun was warm, and I fell asleep while listening to the birds chirping and watching the squirrels scurry about hunting for their winter sustinence.  I remember feeling at ease and at peace.  Like I had the whole world in front of me and that my future was bright.  It was one of those perfect autumnal days that occur more frequently in my mind than in reality.  I will never forget that feeling.

Today, fall is the time of the year that I look forward to a simple cup of hot chocolate or hot tea with honey.  It's time for a Friday night high school football game.  It is a time for long sleeve shirts, hikes on the Natchez Trace, walks at night with a full moon, and a time to gather inside the warm house with friends and family.  Every five years, fall is a time to gather together at high school reunions and remember the good old days and tell tales of when we were handsome and great.

Just as nature has seasons, so does life.  I think I am in the "early autumn" of my life.  Just as the leaves change color and the days seem to mellow a little, my hair is greying and I am more content than ever to enjoy the easy-going, simple things in life. 

In the fall, in the latter part of their lives, leaves shine brightly and are full of color.  By serving others, I hope that others can say the same of the way that I spent the "autumn" of my life.

"Youth is like spring, an over-praised season more remarkable for biting winds than genial breezes.  Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in its flowers, we more than gain in its fruits." - Samuel Butler

A Refreshing Lesson

My family and I frequent a local smoothie shop often called 9Fruits.  The business is family-owned and they pride themselves on quality and service.  The product is somewhat pricey, however, the ingredients are fresh, organic, raw, and healthy.  The smoothies are always served with a smile and my wife and I like to take a few minutes sometimes to just sit and relax due to the nice, warm, clean atmosphere.

But everything is not always perfect and we have had a few bad experiences lately.  The smoothies left a bad aftertaste in my mouth.  The quality didn't seem the same.  I thought maybe it was just that we caught them close to closing time the first bad experience that we had, so I went back again and ordered the same kind of smoothie.  This time I threw the smoothie in the garbage when I got home.

I decided I needed to let the owner know what I was experiencing.  I sent him an e-mail telling him what I had experienced, and told him that, unfortunately, I didn't think I would be back.  I felt like the letter was professional and to the point.  I felt like it was the sort of letter that I would like to receive if I owned that business.  But you never know what kind of response, if any, you will receive.

Yesterday, I received a response to the letter that I had sent.  And I was surprised.  Pleasantly.  The owner started his response by stating," I want to sincerely thank you for taking the time to write me and express your displeasure with our product coupled with your explanation of your past family avocation. It is nice to know that a customer cares enough about our company and us to invest their time to share valuable insight."  He offered to provide a smoothie courtesy of his company and ended his e-mail by stating, "Your satisfaction is very important to us and we hope you will give us another try. If you return and are not satisfied for any reason please continue to let me know. I value your feedback greatly!"

Needless to say, I was very pleased with the owner's response.  He was humble, concerned, honest, and showed a tremendous amount of integrity.  A great lesson for all of us and a great example of how we should conduct ourselves.  Dan included an attachment about integrity that he had read just that morning.  It said," 
After surveying thousands of people around the world and performing more than four hundred written case studies, James Kouzes and Barry Posner identified those characteristics most desired in a leader. In virtually every survey, honesty or integrity was identified more frequently than any other trait (Kouzes, James M., and Posner, Barry Z. Credibility: How leaders gain and lose it, why people demand it. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993). That makes sense, doesn't it? If people are going to follow someone, whether into battle or in business or ministry, they want assurance that their leader can be trusted. They want to know that he or she will keep promises and follow through with commitments."

Yes, that is it.  I really enjoy the smoothies at 9Fruits.  As I stated before, they are refreshing, healthy, and served with a smile.  But even more so now more than ever, I want to support 9Fruits.  I want to give my money to someone that I feel will keep his promises and follow through with his commitments.  I want to support someone that is passionate about the "message" that his store provides.  I want to support someone that cares enough to respond to one little customer.

Honestly, the verdict for me is still out.  I want to like the taste of the smoothie again.  Before the owner's response, I was not going to go back.  Now, I will definitely go back this Thursday to try another smoothie on Dan.  And hopefully, I will experience the wonderful taste that I have been accustomed to.

Thank you Dan for your response and thank you for demonstrating perfectly a lesson of humility, honesty, and integrity. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

FDR: The Champion of Labor Day?

Many Americans today credit FDR for America's labor movement and as the president that made Labor Day prominent.  Many democrats hold FDR up as a hero. The current day Union is one.

And I am almost certain that "Jessica" (I will not use her real name to protect the innocent and avoid hard feelings) is another.  "Jessica" is a far left liberal.  I know because her posts on Facebook range from pro-abortion to utter contempt for anything anti-Obama.  She tows the liberal line so well that I could finish her sentences before she does.  Recently, she posted a video on YouTube.  It was titled, "FDR: Warning about Today's Republicans".  It is classic liberal democratic gibberish.  No substance.  No proof of anything.  Just a wrong-minded opinion (in my opinion).  Just scare tactics.

But let me digress just a little.  Let's talk about FDR and what he stood for.  Let's focus on the mantle (FDR) that is being held highly by my liberal friend, and my Union buddies down the street that are building cars at the former Saturn plant .

First of all, FDR's policies were failed policies.  In a UCLA blog written in 2004 (UCLA is not exactly a bastion of Republican ideas), Meg Sullivan wrote, " UCLA economists say they have figured out why the Great Depression dragged on for almost 15 years, and they blame a suspect previously thought to be beyond reproach: President Franklin D. Roosevelt.  After scrutinizing Roosevelt's record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years.  'Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump,' said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics. 'We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies.' (Uh-oh!!) '"High wages and high prices in an economic slump run contrary to everything we know about market forces in economic downturns," Ohanian said. "As we've seen in the past several years, salaries and prices fall when unemployment is high. By artificially inflating both, the New Deal policies short-circuited the market's self-correcting forces."

In addition to FDR screwing up the economy for 7 years, he held headstrong in his beliefs that African Americans were inferior.  He refused to support federal anti-lynching legislation and refused to integrate the armed forces.  In addition, the New Deal particularly affected black people.  It threw them out of work, raised the food prices during the depths of the Great Depression, and granted monopoly bargaining powers to racist unions.  And it wasn't just the African-Americans that FDR targeted.  If you had anything but "white" skin, you were a target of FDR.  In short, an historian and author, Jim Powell writes, "Black people were among the major victims of the New Deal.  Such a conclusion doesn't merely reveal FDR's often indifferent attitude toward minorities -- in passing wartime travel restrictions and internment rules on Italian Americans, for instance, he derided them as "a bunch of opera singers" -- it suggests that a thorough, fact-based re-evaluation of FDR's mythic status as a champion of the underdog is long overdue."  Amen!!

Want to know more about FDR and the president that my liberal friend is praising for his rebuking of the Republican Party?  The corruption with which FDR's public-works projects were filled with is well-established. I don't have to quote anyone to prove my point here.

But is was his agricultural policies that gave new meaning to the word insanity.  Convinced that falling prices were hindering economic recovery, FDR decided that prices were now to be raised by any means necessary. Agriculture Secretary Henry Wallace, as "thoroughgoing a Soviet dupe as this country has ever seen, described the wholesale destruction of crops and livestock in which he and FDR engaged in order to boost farm prices as "a cleaning up of the wreckage from the old days of unbalanced production" (as Tindall and Shi quote him, approvingly).  Wallace, you see, knew precisely what quantity of production would bring things into "balance." Tindall and Shi assure us that "for a while these farm measures worked." Well, if by "worked" you mean they succeeded in their goal of raising the prices of food and clothing at a time when people were desperately poor, then I suppose they did "work." Slaughtering some six million pigs and engaging in the destruction of enormous supplies of wheat and cotton did tend to increase the prices of these items. Congratulations.

Not surprisingly, while this program was under way, the Department of Agriculture released a study regarding the American diet during these lean years. The Department constructed four sample diets: liberal, moderate, minimum, and emergency (below subsistence). Its figures were sobering: America was not producing enough food to sustain its population at the minimum (subsistence) diet. Isn't that ironic given the agricultural policies instituted by FDR? (hint: read that last sentence with sarcasm in your voice)  John T. Flynn, a liberal journalist-turned-New Deal opponent, mused in his 1948 biography of Roosevelt: "How to better this may be a problem, but the last course a government run by sane men would adopt to get it solved would be to destroy a good part of what we do produce."

It is also no secret that FDR had failing health, both physically and mentally, during his final term as president.  Because of his poor health and executive dysfunction, FDR failed to study the comprehensive State Department reports (Bohlen, 1973). FDR's lack of preparation and poor behavior and appearance were observed by the American-British delegation, undermining their confidence in the Commander in Chief (Fleming, 2001; Bohlen, 1973; Weinstein & Vassiliev, 1999).  FDR's executive dysfunction led him to adopt a hopeless strategy at the Yalta conference: attempting to charm and appease Stalin. It was senseless to try to charm a mass murderer, and FDR failed to appreciate the fundamental differences between the democratic and totalitarian governments.  In other words, his foreign policy was also a failed disaster.

FDR and his presidency can best be summarized by a quote from Professor Clyde Wilson.  He states, "The same intellectuals who condemn the Confederates who fought for states' rights- a recognizable American principle with a venerable lineage in the nation's history- also praise unreserved connivers like FDR, whose innovations had no roots in anything historically American and who willfully undermined the Constitution, the rule of law, and every major principle for which our ancestors stood."

I understand that everyone sees their reality through their own experiences, upbringing, and circumstances.  However, I find it disturbing that people will blindly ignore history, facts, and common sense while spouting a party line in a loud, ignorant, and annoying manner for hundreds and hundreds of people to observe. I will not answer "Jessica" on Facebook because I can't express my opinions in 160 characters.  I don't spout party lines.

I love you as a human being "Jessica" but I wonder about your reasoning skills, your common sense, and your insistence of jumping over the cliff like a good liberal lemming.  Even Howard Shultz, the CEO of Starbucks and a left liberal darling, is calling for real government leadership and for real, meaningful changes to the budget.  Party lines should go by the wayside and we all should take a look at what has been proven to work.  Please don't let your abortion opinions override your fiscal responsibility as an American.

Have a happy, enjoyable, and restful Labor Day holiday folks!

P.S. The following is the video that "Jessica" posted.

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