Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why Are You in Business?

Growing a business is about delivering world-class service and providing exeptional value to your customers.  Of course, having a vision for increasing profits, living the company mission, and affecting the community around you are all very important also.  However, I believe the ultimate purpose of business is to develop and serve people.

"Herb Kelleher, the founder of Southwest Airlines once said, 'the business of business is people'. Whatever your business (roofing, healthcare, uniform rental, firefighter, etc.), I believe it will succeed or fail based on the ability of your team to create relationships with your employees, suppliers, and customers.  To quote Robin Sharma, the goal is "to be so staggeringly excellent and caring and ethical that the human beings you serve are reminded about what’s best in the world".

Times are tough and the economic situation we are facing is getting worse by the day.  Especially now, the businesses that take care of their customers are the ones that will survive and even grow. But it is equally important to take care of people, not just for the sake of growing your business, but simply because it is the right thing to do. The golden rule comes to mind.

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