Monday, December 5, 2011

A Good Lesson from an Unlikely Source



 December can be a crazy month.  As I look at my calendar, every day is full with some type of activity.  I have dots all over my calendar.  It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, but so necessary not to get consumed by preparations and planning and making sure that they are perfect.  

I confess.  I am guilty.  

But I am also learning.  This past Saturday night, I had the best, most relaxing night that I have had in quite some time.  It was unplanned, spontaneous, and just what I needed. 

Josh had invited two of his best friends over to help him put up the outside Christmas lights.  When they were done, Josh showered and left to go eat on a date that had been planned previously.  To show my appreciation for their help, I asked Josh's friends if they would like to stay for dinner.  The said they would.  We had a great meal and then one thing lead to another and before you know it, it was 10:45 and we had spent the night watching the LSU/Georgia game, we watched "It's a Wonderful Life, talked mascots, religion, and college choices, had tea and Milanos, and just hung out having good, meaningful conversation.  I know, it may sound strange to hang out with a couple of 18 year-old young men on a Saturday night, but in some strange way, I think it was good for all of us.  

And when the night was done, I was relaxed and energized and appreciative to two fine young men for hanging out and reminding me of the goodness of taking the time to slow down and to connect with others, especially this holiday season.

Thanks Foster and Samuel for reminding an old dog of a few tricks (lessons) that I had forgotten.  You give me hope for the younger generation and I know we will be OK in the future when I hang out with young men like you.                                                          

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