Friday, February 11, 2011

Liar Liar

I was thinking about the movie "Liar, Liar" the other day.  I thought the movie was funny and refreshing. And insightful.  Nearly everyone lies every day.  Four years ago in a nationwide survey titled "The Day America Told the Truth," 93% of Americans admitted that they lie "regularly and habitually" at work and 35% admitted they have had or were currently having an affair which they were keeping secret from their mates.  Most people rationalize lying be saying that they dont want to hurt someone else's feelings.  Then the question becomes whether withholding information is lying. Would that be considered "turning the other cheek"?  I don't know.  I honestly think radical honesty could be reshreshing after getting over some of the hurt.  The problem for me becomes when people want to practice radical honesty with me.  So the question becomes how honest do you want people to be? If your pastor or boss  or best friend is steaming mad one night, venting to his wife about what some jerk at the church or work said, do you want him to tweet about it? Do you want to know? And if you don’t, is it because that wouldn’t be wise, or because you want to think your pastor or boss  or best friend is somebody he isn’t?

Any thoughts on the wisdom of honesty?

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