Monday, February 7, 2011


No clever or thought-provoking blog tonight.  I am whipped.  What a long day.  I left home and traveled for four hours to my destination.  My trip should have taken me three hours but I was caught in a blinding snow storm on the way.  When I reached my destination, the person that I was to meet and help, decided to go on an appointment early and by himself.  I, in essence, wasted four hours in an attempt to go help him.  I then waited at a restaurant for over an hour for this person to show.  He did not.  He got the wrong city.  I then decided to head back to the office to complete some reports that were due.  I got stuck in a fifteen mile traffic jam that was caused by an "injury' accident.  I left the office around 7:30 and went back to my camper.  I am still working on a phone problem as I write this blog.

I have spoken to some people that have pondered how great it would be to not have to sleep.  They often talk about how much could get accomplished.  As for me, I am so thankful that God, in his infinite wisdom, gave us an opportunity to stop, re-charge our " batteries, take a break from the day, and start over the following morning.

I am definitely looking forward to a new day tomorrow.

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