Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Opinion of the Casey Anthony Trial

When the "not guilty" verdict was read in the Casey Anthony trial, an instant outpouring of anger filled the press just outside of the courthouse, the airwaves, and the workplace cubicles of America.  It was reported that someone had fainted upon hearing the verdict just outside of the courtroom.  I read several FaceBook posts that were asking God to torment the jurors for letting a baby killer go free. 

I have another opinion.
  1. Thank God for the legal system that we have.  I have read several articles about countries such as China, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Darfur where people are not questioned about their guilt or innocence.  These countries simply line people up that are suspects, or were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and shoot them in the head.  Yeah, they probably get the guilty party in the process but not without killing 10-15 innocent people along the way.  As flawed as it may be, and although we sometimes apparently get the verdict wrong, I still prefer the American legal system.
  2. In a strange way, I find it ironic that so many people are mourning and grieving the death of this little two-year old.  I have seen video of people crying, shouting angrily, and in sheer disbelief.  Even some pro-abortionists that I know are upset about the verdict.  So I have a solution.  Simply treat the death of Caylee as an abortion that was delayed for two years.  Sound brutal?  It is.  And so is abortion.  But no pro-abortionist mourns the millions of deaths of innocent children every year.  Instead, they applaud women's rights.  In my opinion, their lives are just as important as Caylee's life was.
  3. The pictures that I have seen of this little girl are so innocent and adorable.  I am sure that she was precious.  And as much as I detest the death of Caylee, I have to hold to the promise that she is in a place that is so much better than she could ever imagine.  In the bible, Jesus got angry at his disciples when the children were trying to climb onto Jesus' lap.  He said, "Leave the children alone, and do not keep them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these".  I believe Caylee will never cry again.  I believe she will never be lonely or afraid or upset.  She will never be hungry and she will be surrounded by more love than she knew was possible. 
I know my opinions in this blog are not "mainstream".  I designed it that way.  My hope it that it gave you a moment to think and consider some of your thoughts and opinions as you hear the constant coverage of this case in the upcoming days.

R.I.P. Caylee Anthony.


Anonymous said...

A year from now, no one will care about Caylee. We live for the moment, we want justice now, we want what we want when we want it. But over time we forget. Some new injustice takes it's place. I'm glad I am not in charge of righting wrongs and issuing decrees of justice. I would probably shoot too many innocents.

But I think our problem is that we put too much stock in the here and now as though that is all there is. If justice is not served up now, swift and just, then those who have imparted the injustice will get away with it.

But there is the long term perspective, and though I wish for justice to be swift right now, there is a time when it will be just and permanent. God is merciful now but, as He says, "I will not look on you with pity; I will not spare you. I will repay you for your conduct and for the detestable practices among you. Then you will know that it is I the LORD who strikes you." (Ezekiel 7:9) Though taken out of context I think it is written over and over again that justice will be served and when we see will bring us to our knees...overwhelm us with shock and awe...and we will realize, but by the grace of God that punishment would be mine.

As you said Jeff, Caylee was and is not forgotten by God, but neither was her seeming "injustice!"

CJ said...

Well said Anonymous. I appreciate your comments.

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