Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Honestly, I just think I am worn out and too tired to go after it right now.  I could write about the debt ceiling debacle, Obama's gaffes, the economy, or impending war between Isreal and Palestine.  But tonight, I really can't muster the fortitude to fight the fight.  And for me, there were other, more important things to do.

Instead of researching and writing, I spent some time with my son and his buddies.  I was sitting at the picnic table with them and talking about what they want to do with their futures.  It was fun, interesting, and enjoyable just to sit back and enjoy life for even just a few brief moments.  It was good to have some company in Kentucky.  It was good just to be together.

So for now, I am going to listen to the thunder roll.  I am going to just relax and re-charge.  Tomorrow is another day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get you ass in gear and write excuses!

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