Saturday, July 23, 2011

What makes a Leader?

These days there is a lot of talk politically about leadership or lack thereof.  But leadership affects all aspects of our life, not just politically.  And I am convinced that at some point in nearly everyone's life they will be required to show leadership, whether as a politician, a coach, a parent, or a spouse.  Leaders can be janitors, stay-at-home moms, the blue collar worker, a high powered executive, or the captain of a firehouse.  I believe leaders are not born, leaders are formed.  So what is leadership and how can we be effective as leaders at home, in the workplace, and in our communities?  Believe me, I am not an expert, but I do have a few ideas.

There are certainly some stereotypical type of words that come into play when talking about leadership but I think they are at the pinnacle of leadership.  Things like helping to build character, and teaching attitudes and behaviors while practicing them, and striving to build a legacy for future generations to model are all important aspects of leadership.  Things also come into play like encouraging, guiding, and inspiring those around you.  

I read a lot.  But I don't think that reading about how to lead gets the job done.  And I don't think you can sit in the big corner office and discuss theories and get the job done.  Eventually, I believe you have to wade into the muck and get dirty and work with individuals. 

I believe that working with individuals to help them develop their strengths is what a leader does.  Teaching skills such as teaching employees to be proactive about meeting others' needs so they can better support an organization is what leading is about.  Successful leaders make the people they lead better at what they do and ultimately help them be better people.

And last but not least, leadership is best demonstrated when the individual that is being led believes that the leader has a genuine concern for their development and success.  Those we lead will be more receptive if they believe we genuinely want them to succeed.

Will you make an intentional effort to lead today?

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