Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Political Smoke and Mirrors

I watched Obama last night make yet another predictable speech in which he blamed the Republicans, the previous administrations, and everyone but himself for the debacle that we are in.  Barry would like you to forget that the previous administration was $458 billion in debt while in just two years The Great Narcissist has increased that debt to $1.65 trillion.  Obama has increased the debt more in two years than the total debt we accumulated from George Washington to George Bush, but we are not supposed to place any blame on Obama. 

I would like to see a new plan presented by Obama.  I say a new plan because he submitted a budget in April that was unanimously rejected by all Democrats and Republicans alike by a vote of 97-0.  So he has yet to provide a solution to address our current national debt crisis, but instead continues to insist on historical tax hikes, even during this bad economic downturn.

In reality, the leadership of both parties of Congress have done nothing to reduce our debt, but rather are proposing to increase our debt.  All of the "deals" that are on the table right now continue national spending with zero cuts and accrue more debt ---at least $7 trillion more over the next 10 years.  Serious, meaningful spending cuts, not fuzzy math or D.C. accounting tricks, need to be at the core of this debate.  Cut, Cap, and Balance is a good place to start, but real change needs to continue with a Balanced Budget Amendment.

It time for Obama to stop threatening Americans with the possibility of defaulting on our debt. We have enough money coming in to pay out Social Security checks, pay the military, pay for necessary services such as firefighters and cops, and pay the interest on our debt.

Political scare tactics and smoke-and-mirror ‘deals’ won’t solve our debt problem, and in fact will likely cause a larger one by forcing the downgrading of our debt rating, which I believe will happen if we do not cut at least $4 trillion. This is irresponsible by all parties.

Hey Obama, it’s time for real leadership to protect our nation’s fiscal security.

It’s time to balance our budget!

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