Thursday, April 28, 2011

Immigration, World Poverty, and Gumballs

When I was in high school, I went on a missions trip to Mexico during Christmas break. The experience was life-changing and I still reflect on my time in Mexico during the Christmas season.  The group of guys that I went with had fun while helping to build a church that was desperately needed.  I liked the experience because we were not just sending money ( although I think monetary support is great) but we were working shoulder-to-shoulder with the Mexicans and forming a bond.  At the end of a day's work, I was tired and sore, but I also felt as though I was, in some small way, making a difference.  It was a good feeling.

I believe that our foreign policy regarding immigration and aid should be somewhat the same.  The proverb saying, "Give a fish to a man and you will help feed him for a day.  Teach the man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime" is very applicable here. 

I heard Roy Beck give his presentation about immigration several years ago.  I just found a new updated presentation, and I still think it makes complete sense.  Take a few minutes and listen to his presentation below. I hope that it makes sense to you.

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