Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Tyranny of Obama

Being a conservative in many circles of today's society is not popular. Conservatives are looked down upon and are depicted by the press and media as the individuals that are stopping progress and keeping America from being a great nation.  Statists often say that the individual's freedoms should take a back seat for the common good of the people.  So what are the differences and why should we care?

"The Founders believed, and the Conservative agrees, in the dignity of the individual; that we, as human beings, have a right to live, live freely, and pursue that which motivates us not because man or some government says so, but because these are God-given natural rights". 

The Modern Liberal, or Statist, believes in the supremacy of the state.  The Liberals reject the principles of the Declaration and believe that the individual's imperfection and personal pursuits block the ability to create a utopian state.  The Statist taints "equality" to pursue economic and social outcomes that are equal for everyone in society.  The Statist is relentless in his or her quest for power because power is necessary to create Utopia for all.  "President Barack Obama made this point when lecturing the Wesleyan University graduating class of 2008 during his campaign; "Our individual salvation depends on collective salvation." 

Obviously, Hollywood and the media are liberal.  It is why you don't hear an outcry regarding $4.00 gas prices under the Obama Administration but $3.00 per gallon gas was top news headlines under Bush.  It is why the media and Hollywood bashed Bush for the Iraq war but not a word is written about the failed policies regarding Egypt and Libya.  Liberals, or Statists, crushed Bush for $158 billion in debt but say how necessary it is for Obama to raise the debt ceiling and don't question $3 Trillion.

The British writer-philosopher C.S. Lewis wrote," Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerly exercised for the good of it's victims may be the most oppressive.  It would be better to live under the robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.  The robber baron's cruelty my sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." 

In other words when Obama ran under "Hope and Change" we should have questioned what hope and change he had in mind.  When he stated, "We are the ones we have been waiting for", we should have cringed because Obama sincerely believes he is exercising tyranny for the good of his victims as an omnipotent moral busybody.

If you value liberty, you must do all that you can to make this man a one-term president.

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