Friday, April 8, 2011


Until I left for college, I attended the same church every Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday night.  Without exception, a boy who was mentally-challenged would find me, give me a hug, and talk to me about his life.  I loved those moments because everything with Ricky (later he demanded to be called Richard) was so pure and simple and honest.  If Richard was feeling happy, he would tell you.  If he was feeling sad, he would tell you. And if he liked or disliked something, in a matter of fact way, he would let you know.

But in today's society, we often don't get the plain truth.  We often tell some sophisticated story in order to place blame or practice avoidance regarding the real issue.  Wouldn't it be refreshing  not to have to guess what someone was really thinking?  Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to play games with words so that people wouldn't think we were unkind or not caring?

The older I get, the more I appreciate simplicity rather than sophistication.  I wonder what our world would start to look like if we stopped covering things up with distraction and manipulation and spin?

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