Monday, June 27, 2011

2012 Democratic Strategy

I have followed politics long enough now to know that whatever the Democrats say is exactly the opposite of what they are doing or what they mean. It is a strategy called "projection".  You have to look no further than last weeks press confererence with Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin to see this strategy in place.   Schumer and Durbin put on their little "sad" faces and accused the Republicans of purposefully sabotaging the economy for election purposes next year.  The two said they were shocked and "greatly saddened" that everyone from George Bush to John Boehner to Paul Ryan were intent on destroying the housing market and making sure there is not one job for any American until election night of 2012.

I happen to think this is hilarious.  The last time I checked the Democrats have been in control of everything since 2007 except for the House last Fall and the lame-duck Presidency under Bush.  They have controlled the agenda, they have controlled the passing of laws, in essence, they have controlled everything.  The Republicans have not been able to do anything until last Fall when they could finally block some things in the House.  So armed with a little knowledge, how could one possibly say the Republicans have sabotaged the economy, how could one possibly think that the Republicans have affected unemployment, and how could Republicans destroy the housing market?

"Blame it on the Republicans" will be the battle cry of the Democrats.  But don't be fooled.  The failures of the housing market, the employment rates, the bailouts, the economy, gas prices, food prices, etc. are on the Democrats. 

However, one of the biggest failures is not a Rebublican or Democratic failure.  It is the failure of the American people to let their freedom continue to be taken away bit by bit, day by day and to believe the lies that are being fed to them constantly.  And the biggest failure of the American people would be to elect Obama for a second term.

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