Saturday, June 11, 2011

Ricky Gere dazzles with his Wisdom

Click on the video first and then proceed to the blog.

Hopefully, you were able to make it to the bathroom before you vomited.  Sorry to do that to you but I wanted you to know how the left libs feel about the President and why they feel that way.  The profundity and wisdom from the lips of Richard Gere and others like him alarms me.  Basically, this is what Gere said:
  1. Obama bows to the Chinese and holds State Dinners for the communists even though they abuse their people terribly.  But he is "finding his way".  I know how he personally feels so it's OK.  He will come around and figure it out.  Just give him some time".
  2. Obama is finding that he has to be very "frontal, very clear, unconfused, and he must be very strong".  So Ricky, does this mean that he isn't all of those things right now?  Maybe he should review the tapes from his dressing down from BB Netanyahu.
  3. "Overall, he has done an extraordinary job.  I think he is going to go down as one of our great presidents".  Excuse me, I have to take another trip to the bathroom.
    So, what specifics Ricky can you give for your praise for Obama? " Well look at all of the things that he has had to juggle. Natural disasters, international issues, domestic. He has found a way to change and flow. To learn from every situation." Seriously, I am laughing hysterically as I listen to this and write it. You have to be kidding me. He has dealt with natural disasters, international issues and domestic issues? He has learned to change and flow? He has learned from every situation? Give me a break. Every U.S. President in recent history has had to do deal with these issues and more. This is the lame kind of answer that you will get from every leftist, progressive lib that you talk to. Ricky, please talk to me about the unemployment rate, the high gas prices, record foreclosures, high food prices, high oil prices, the devaluation of the dollar, inflation. Tell me how successful Obama has been with the Middle East crisis, the Afghan war, not being able to oust Qaddafi from Libya, Iran, the problems facing medicaid and medicare, poor childhood education. How is Obama doing on securing the borders? No Ricky, you can not give me concrete answers on concrete issues, only warm gushy feelings about how he is learning, and trying hard, and changing and flowing.
  4. "He is a good listener.  He personally engages on almost every level every day".  I honestly thought I was listening to Ricky Gere talk about my boys' report card status from first and second grade.
  5. Ok. One last quote because my stomach is killing me.  I am laughing so hard I am crying and, at the same time, my stomach feels upset and nauseated.  "I think his engagement with the Chinese is starting to flower. And I think the strength within him is starting to emerge".  Newsflash to Ricky.  This is not some kind of "dress rehearsal" for goodness sake.  We are talking about serious issues and I guarantee you that when George Bush was dealing with 911 on the fly, Richard Gere gave him zero kudos for starting to "flower" and his strength starting to emerge.  As a matter of fact, I remember Gere getting booed off of a stage in New York for telling the NYFD that we should love the people that bombed the World Trade Center and not be so hateful towards them.
The reason I posted this video is because it is typical of the Left.  They very rarely can provide you with facts or data regarding their support of Obama.  They often will try to divert the conversation and blame everything on Bush.  But that story is old and it is time to stand up to the Lefties and use knowledge, facts, and data to refute their opinions and feelings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog Jeff. You hit the nail on the head. I don't know why we look up to these Hollywood actor activists. When you break it down like you have, they do look and sound ridiculous!

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