Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chisel Away!

I can relate to the part of this skit (below) when the guy says that he still feels like a little child that gets up every morning and dresses like an adult and tries to act like an adult but knows deep inside that he is just the same, little anxious, scared kid trying to muddle my way through life as a man.

I can also relate to the man in the skit when he says he looks in the mirror and doesn't see a masterpiece.  Deep inside I know all of my faults and insecurities and it is much easier to see them than it is to see my full potential, and what I should be.

I completely understand the control issue that this man struggles with as well.  I want to control my wife and my boys.  I want them to see the world like I do.  And that simply isn't the case oftentimes.  I want to control my surroundings and I want everything to be the way I think it should be.  It's the reason I probably have exhausted myself during the holidays throughout the years.  I want my family to have the perfect Christmas, and Easter, and Thanksgiving, and Fourth of July.  But deep inside, I know it's not possible to control everything and deep inside I know that I would be happier if I didn't try so hard to control things, and emotions, and the thoughts of others.

I can say I want God to chisel away my faults and insecurities, but to be honest, most of the time I want Him to chisel away at the things I am willing to let be chiseled. I can only pray for the courage to be chiseled into the father, and husband, and friend, and leader that I am meant to be.

Please take the next nine minutes to be challenged.  I hope it will be worth it for you.

Enjoy your Sunday!!

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