Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ebony and Ivory

"Ebony and Ivory" is a song that was written by Paul McCartney and sung by McCartney and Stevie Wonder.  The words to the song are:

Ebony And Ivory Live Together In Perfect Harmony
Side By Side On My Piano Keyboard, Oh Lord, Why Don't We?
We All Know That People Are The Same Where Ever We Go
There Is Good And Bad In Ev'ryone,
We Learn To Live, We Learn To Give
Each Other What We Need To Survive Together Alive.
Oh, how it would be nice to be back in 1982 and have the nice warm racial fuzzies that this song produced.

But it is not 1982, and today I am disgusted by the hate speech being spewed by the Black Caucus leaders.  They are inciting violence, mainly against white people.  And their thug gang followers are following their leads.  In an article from the American Thinker yesterday:

"Late last month, Denver saw a possible return to violence, as couples leaving restaurants were being attacked by a group of black men with baseball bats. The Denver Police have renewed warnings of those attacks.  
The brutality  in Denver is disturbingly similar to violence occurring elsewhere, nationwide.  In the last few months alone, a young white lady named Shaina Perry was taunted and beaten in Milwaukee. A young white man named Carter Strange had his skull fractured by a mob in South Carolina.  David Strucinski was beaten into a coma by a mob in Bayonne. Anna Taylor, Emily Guendelsberger, and Thomas Fitzgerals were beaten and kicked to the ground in separate Philadelphia flash mobs.  Every weekend in July, mobs have attacked in Greensboro, NC.  In a mostly-white suburb of Cleveland, witnesses reported large groups of "teens" walking through the streets, "shouting profanities and racial epithets," and one man was viciously beaten while leaving a restaurant with his wife and friends.  

In all of those cases, the victims were white and the attackers were black.

Then there are the ominous stories that no one has ever heard about. For instance, a mob of 150 "young people" descended on a small, predominantly white NJ town named Winfield Township during a firefighters' carnival. Perhaps the townspeople are merely lucky that there wasn't violence. Isn't the racial mob mentality scary enough that we shouldn't have to wait for violence before we take it seriously?
It cannot be emphasized enough that these attacks often occur in suburban areas where the black groups have to leave their own neighborhoods and purposefully travel to areas that are predominantly non-black, to attack non-black victims. For instance, in one of the many flash mob attacks in Chicago,  Trovulus Pickett, 17, was part of a group that attacked and robbed several victims, including a 68-year-old doctor.  The attacks occurred in the North Side, which is 15 miles away from Pickett's home. This indicates a serious level of planning and potential racial targeting. If these were just run-of-the mill robberies, it wouldn't be too surprising. But the social problem we're looking at is large groups, sometimes numbering in the hundreds, sometimes armed, engaging in racially-focused violent crimes." 

The Washington Post, New York Times, and the Chicago Tribune, have all openly stated that they will refuse to report on the racial facts of these violent crimes. 

In my opinion, this policy makes all of these organizations de-facto accessories to these crimes.  And Barack Obama and Eric Holder are also responsible.  Barack Obama and Eric Holder, by what they have done and what they haven't done, as well as by what they have said and what they haven't said, have also clearly encouraged these racist crimes. At a certain point, which I think has already been passed, a person that is complicit in a crime becomes a conspirator in the crime. Not for at least 60 years has America had such a racist and criminal President and Attorney General. 

So what does the Black Caucus and Obama want from us?  Nothing less than complete capitulation.  And it all starts with the President spewing his anger towards the "have's" and "have not's" of this country and causing unprecedented division.  He is empowering these thugs with his silence.  And I wish someone had the guts to point this out on a national level.  And I wish some of my black friends would take a stand.  Only then, will these extremist Black Caucus leaders take notice. 

I find it ironic that Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Memorial was unveiled this week.  It would be so refreshing to live in perfect harmony and to judge a person by the content of their character and not their skin color.  However, power and money are very powerful "drugs" and it appears that the Black Caucus leaders of Congress don't want to heed King's words but rather twist them for selfish reasons.

If you think I am somehow bending the truth or sensationalizing this topic, take 4 minutes to listen to the following.  You will be shocked.

1 comment:

CJ said...

Too controversial? Or too shocked? Over 50 views before 9:00 a.m. and not 1 comment. Interesting.

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