Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Obamas Gone Wild

In January 2009, before the president signed his failed $787 billion stimulus bill into law, Barack Obama lectured America saying, “Everyone must sacrifice for the greater good… Everyone must have some skin in the game.”  And I can verify that the people of Kentucky have listened.  I know several people that can't afford water or electricity for their homes, others that can't make house payments, and still others that can't afford to go to the local Dairy Queen.  But ironically, it seems that Barack and Michelle haven't been sacrificing for the greater good themselves.

It was reported last week that the Obama's have spent over $10 million over the past year on their vacations. I not only find this bit of news disgusting, I find it un-presidential.  Although, I didn't support all of her revelations in the White House, I do find it ironic that the press often chided First Lady Mrs. Reagan for wearing borrowed dresses in the White House.  How refreshing would that be right now? 

But  instead of borrowed dresses, Michelle takes Air Force 2 and other military aircraft to the Obama's vacation spots so that she doesn't have to wait two hours for her man.  According to the Gateway Pundit, Michelle's spending "is ‘disgusting’ and (she's)‘a vacation junkie’, they say the 47-year-old mother-of-two has been indulging in five-star hotels, where she splashes out on expensive massages and alcohol.

The ‘top source’ told the National Enquirer: ‘It’s disgusting. Michelle is taking advantage of her privileged position while the most hardworking Americans can barely afford a week or two off work."

Expensive vodkas, spas, hotels, and huge entourages are just a few things that the Obama's delight in while so many in America are struggling right now.  But the vacations are just a part of the outlandish spending that is going on.  Extravagent, opulent gala balls, over-the-top dinners for rock stars and actors, exclusive performances at the White House, date nights that total in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and double the secret service of any president, take the Obama's spending to unprecedented levels.  And you and I are paying for all of it!

It all seems like a very bad episode of "Obamas Gone Wild".

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