Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Future Betrayed

It's not just the Tea Party "terrorists" that have been betrayed.  All of America has been duped.  The "red herring" is the debt ceiling issue.  The real issue is the debt itself.  When Harry Reid praises a "bipartisan compromise", you had better head the opposite way.  This deal promises to make spending reductions (not cuts) over the next ten years.  Promises mean nothing in Washington. We need genuine, transformational reform and real spending cuts today, not a strategic Republican or Tea Party victory. The time for political expediency is over.  The fact is Moody’s has already warned us that no one has put a plan on the table that comes close to solving our long-term problem. Moody’s will downgrade us. This could happen tomorrow, in six months or maybe a year from now, but at some point in the near future it’s
going to happen. And it’s going to hurt. So we must be prepared. We are messing with the future of America.  We are playing with the future of the world.

I know.  That sounds like a Tea Party crazy talking.  But let me explain. Here's what will happen WHEN our credit is downgraded:

Your credit card interest rates will constantly raise.  Inflation will deplete your savings accounts, retirement funds, and your weekly paycheck.  Your interest rate on your mortgage will rise and banks will be very reluctant to loan money when your credit rating takes a nose dive.  Entitlements will be forced to go away such as food stamps as well as the green-energy projects that the Libs love.

The United States economy constitutes around 25 percent of the world’s GDP.  And we support the world when it comes to fighting the bad guys and keeping the world safe.  So what happens in those situations when we cant even afford to have the steps of the Lincoln Memorial cleaned?

So the media is trumpeting this deal as a great compromise and great success.  I don't think so.  There is no Balanced Budget Amendment included.  This deal raises the debt limit by about $2.5 Trillion (that's twelve zeros) while committing to reduce spending (not cut) by $7 Billion.  In other words, the first year of spending cut is $7 billion and when you consider that we deficit spend $4 billion a day, the real savings in the first year of this deal covers only two days of spending.  Two days.

Isn't that incredible, wonderful, bi-partisan compromise that we should celebrate?  I hope you are starting to feel just a tad bit betrayed. And I find it very interesting that when the Libs wanted to push through a $1 Trillion stimulus plan and Obamacare that they got is done without any compromise.

Why can’t Republicans take a stand? Why can’t they fight for the people who elected them? Why can’t they point out all the significant waste and fraud in the Federal government right now? Give me a break!

So what is the answer? I think it is simple.

You cannot spend more than you earn. You cannot run up the largest credit card bill in human history.  Stop chasing income earners overseas by threatening them with higher taxes, stop inflating their energy costs and stop punishing them with never-ending regulations.

In the next election, we must vote for more individuals that will take a stand a fight for the people that elected them.

Mr President, you are a disgrace and I am angered and saddened that you would betray America's future.

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