Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer's End

Tonight I said goodnight to my son just like the "old days".  He was in bed early and I got the opportunity to lay down with him for just a few minutes and reminisce about his summer.  It was fun to hear that he had the time of his life.  He started off the summer by setting a school record at a meet at Vanderbilt and things just kept rolling from there.  A trip to Florida, then Chicago, then Kentucky to hang out with his running buddies at the camper for three days.  He got his first acting role and will be featured on a video.  He hung out at the pool, played fun pranks on his buddies, and sometimes just hung out enjoying his freedom.  And we can't forget that he started dating "seriously".

It was fun and it was the best summer that he has ever had.  But tomorrow it is over and he starts his senior year of high school.  As we talked, he realized that, while he will still have fun throughout the school year, that there are big responsibilities that he will have to take seriously.  He will need to keep his GPA up.  He will have some pressure to perform at incredible levels in track in the Spring.  And he will be even closer at the end of his school year to taking that big step towards being on his own and heading for college.

It doesn't seem possible that Josh will be a Senior.  Honestly, it is bittersweet.  Dena and I are thrilled for Josh to pursue his dreams and to experience his senior year.  We are thrilled that he will start to pursue his passions and build towards his future.  But there is a little twinge that nags at the heart to know that soon things will never be the same again.  Josh will move on just as his brother has and Dena and I will be "empty-nesters".  

But for now, we are focusing on the present.  We are focusing on what a special time in our lives this time is, for Josh and for us as parents.

So Joshy, have fun!  Enjoy your Senior year.  Work hard and play hard.  Finish the year knowing that you gave it your all.  At the end of the year, have no regrets.  And at the end of the year, that will be good enough.

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