Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Obama's Foreign Policy

In my opinion, Obama's domestic policies have been a complete and utter failure.  He has shown a lack of direction, a lack of purpose, and a lack of leadership.  I am for an improved healthcare system, but not Obamacare that will strap future generations to unsustainable debt.  We spent billions and billions of dollars and more Americans remain out of work than at any time in this nation's history, while Obama claims progress on the economy.  Even non-partisan economists admit that Obama's policies have failed and many Americans may never find a decent job again.  The Gulf castastrophe showed Obama's inability to handle a crisis so much so that even the New York Times was upset about how he handled the crisis saying, "the administration should not have waited, and should have intervened much more quickly on its own initiative. … The timetable is damning. … What we do know is that we now face a huge disaster whose consequences might have been minimized with swifter action.”  Felt the pinch at the gas pump lately?

But I believe that it is Obama's foreign policy that really magnifies a presidency of ineptitude, incompetence and inability.  But you have to hand it to him, he is consistent.  Throughout his term, with every Islamic revolution that has swept the Middle East and Africa, he has sided with the Islamic supremacists and extremists at every turn.  For example, he backed the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamic group bent on worldwide sharia law, in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria.  He has backed Hezb'Allah in Lebanon.  He has backed Islamic law at the U.N., having the U.S. co-sponsor a resolution with Egypt on the restriction of free speech regarding Islam.  Are you kidding me?  Restriction of free speech against Islam while we support moron's freedom in this country to protest military funerals.  Quite frankly, I find Obama's U.N. resolution disgusting.

And most recently, Obama is backing Al-Qaeda in Libya, with Al-Qaeda having already established an emirate in eastern Libya, and is playing a leading role in the revolt against Gaddafi.  The Libyan Islamist Fighting Group is also involved. They are a group that is, according to the Telegraph, "focused only on promoting sharia law in Libya.  As I discussed in my blog' "What in the World is going on?", the uprisings and revolutions are mostly extremist militant Islamic factions trying to take over nations while promoting sharia law.

But while the media continues to look the other way when it comes to Obama’s mistakes, both domestic and foreign, and some of my Democratic friends have the wool pulled over their eyes day in and day out, Democrats in Congress worry that Obama's Presidency, combined with the lackluster Democratic leadership in Congress, could spell disaster at the polls again.

Some democrats admit privately that Obama could become the biggest disappointment in the White House since Jimmy Carter....... and that is saying a lot.  Even Hillary wants out.

But sadly, in my opinion, the stakes are higher than when Carter was in the White House.  Obama's fierce loyalty to radical Islamic groups is not only bad policy but threatens free men the world over.

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