Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Old Silver Fox

Some of the earliest memories I have of spending time with my dad revolve around watching storms from the porch and going to the dragstrip to watch him race his American Motors Rambler. (I'm starting to understand why I like storms so much and why I am practically deaf in one ear).  When I was young, it was my dad that supported my hobbies and let me experience "boy" things.  From ponies to mini-bikes, beta fighting fish to wild rabbits, and spending time in the woods or in my tree house, my dad provided for and allowed me to be a boy.

My teen years were mostly good, but I definitely went through a stage where I thought my father had lost his mind.  From girlfriend advice to strict curfews, my dad could dish out the advice and had no problem laying down the law.  At the time, I thought he was out of touch.  After being a father myself, I appreciate what he did and how he provided the guidelines that I needed at the time.

My father has been through a lot in his life.  And I now understand that the migraine headaches that he came home from work with on occasion, were not a sign of weakness, but a result of putting up with a job that could be stressful and difficult at times, and something that he put up with willingly in order to provide for his family.

And recently, his battle with cancer showed our entire family a man that wasn't afraid to admit that he felt vulnerable and afraid while showing courage and faith.  It's a joy to observe a man that views everyday as a gift.

So today I want to wish my father a very happy birthday.  Thank you for taking care of your family.  Thank you for staying the course when it would have been easy to take the shortcut.  And in a time when America leads the world in children not having their father present in their life, thank you for fighting to be my father and for providing a stable influence throughout my life.

Happy Birthday Old Silver Fox!  Love you.

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